Some time ago, in January to be precise, I discovered an interesting little mushroom while walking around the garden. At that time, the ground was still quite damp after the rain, and among the grass that was starting to grow in abundance, there was something that caught my attention—a small red-orange mushroom that seemed to glow in the sunlight.
Out of curiosity, I immediately took a macro lens and began to observe more closely. From its distinctive shape, I suspect this is a fungus from the Hygrocybe genus, which is known for its striking colors. After I looked for further references, I was pretty sure that this was Hygrocybe minutula, a species of small fungus that I rarely find around here.
What makes this mushroom even more interesting is its surface which looks slightly slimy and shiny when exposed to light. It's very small, only a few millimeters, so I had to get really close to get the best details. Carefully, I photographed this mushroom from several angles to capture its simple yet alluring beauty.
Unfortunately, due to my busy schedule, I only have time to share my findings now. Even though several months have passed, the moment I found this small mushroom is still very imprinted in my memory. There is something always pleasant every time you find small creatures like this in nature, as if they are present as a small surprise given by nature for anyone who is willing to observe more carefully.
NOTE: I first wrote the article above in Indonesian, which is my own language, then I translated it using English with the help of Goggle.
Latin Name | Observation date | Location |
Hygrocybe minutula | 22 01 2025 | North Acèh Regency, Acèh, Indonesia |
Camera used | Smartphone |
Lens | Macro |
F-stop | - |
Iso speed | ISO |
Focal length | MM |
Photography | Hygrocybe minutula |
Location | Aceh Indonesia |
Photographer | @bananaklatbarat |
Link to original | community | |
Link | | |
Latitude Longitude | Map | |
- | - | |
=4.9786331 | =97.2221421 | |