Hello Hive family, art and craft lovers @hive-130560, today I will teach you how to draw on pieces of wood the adorable emotions from the movie "Inside Out 2". I hope the decoration is to the community's liking and that you enjoy each of these fun sentiments. join me! 🤗
La película / the movie 🎥

En el transcurso del filme se presentan bruscamente en la sala de control para tomar el mando de la vida sentimental de la joven las nuevas emociones: Ansiedad, Vergüenza, Envidia y Aburrimiento. Capitaneadas por ansiedad mandan a las emociones básicas que llevaban muchos años al mando de una operación exitosa al ostracismo.
Estás tienen entonces que luchar por volver al cuartel general, acabar con la tiranía de Ansiedad y así restablecer cierta estabilidad y sentido de identidad.
La película me gusto mucho, su historia enseña lecciones sobre la importancia de gestionar nuestras emociones por muy complejas que sean.
The plot that develops this 2nd part of "Inside Out" has to do with the appearance of complex or sophisticated feelings in the emotional system of the protagonist Riley, who has just turned 13 years old, changing to her adolescence stage.
In the course of the film new emotions abruptly appear in the control room to take over the young girl's sentimental life: Anxiety, Shame, Envy and Boredom. Captained by anxiety, they send the basic emotions that had been at the helm of a successful operation for many years into ostracism.
They then have to fight their way back to headquarters, end Ansiedad's tyranny and thus reestablish some stability and sense of identity.I liked the movie very much, its story teaches lessons about the importance of managing our emotions no matter how complex they may be.
In the following I will show you step by step the realization of my woodwork. To begin with, I will mention all the materials used:

Materiales / Materials
I begin by drawing a circle with the pencil on each of the wooden slices as a guide to then paint them in orange, green, violet and pink, using the semi-fine brush for a longer brushstroke and a nicer finish. Always in the same direction, making the finish curious.

For decoration, with the pencil ✏️ I draw each face of the new emotions and it will be easier for me to paint the "Inside Out 2" sentiments on the wood.

Once the pencil process is finished, we paint with the fine brush the wood slices corresponding to each emotion, using white, black, pink, green, brown and blue acrylic paint.

Finally, we move on to the final touches with the pointer, using the black and white paint for a better finish on the eyes. Then we added a coat of matte acrylic varnish to give it more shine, letting it dry for a few minutes.

Resultado final / Final result
Cabe destacar que este diseño de las caritas fue buscado en google; pero la realización de las troncos pintadas son hechas por mí, con dedicación para que luzcan bonitas las emociones de esta segunda parte del filme animado que me encanto mucho Inside Out 2 👏👨🏻🎨.
In the final part, we moved on to the creation of the base using white glue for carpentry work, joining the pieces of wood and pouring the liquid on them, letting them dry for several minutes.
It should be noted that this design of the faces was searched on google; but the realization of the painted logs are made by me, with dedication to look beautiful emotions of this second part of the animated film that I love Inside Out 2 👏 👨🏻🎨.

If you liked it, don't forget to leave a comment and follow me for future posts. I'd love to know your opinion and ideas for the next one. Regards