I’m so excited as I’m writing this post and a little emotional. It’s really great to know that your works inspire others to learn from you. Apart from being really passionate about crocheting, I am really passionate about the environment too. In my recent posts, you’d realise I’ve been trying to make things out of yarn leftovers and scraps just to reduce waste. I’m so happy to have inspired others to also embark on a project to make use of leftover yarns.
Anyway, let’s talk about why I’m really excited; Say Hi to @bipolar95, my second crochet student from hive. I get a lot of people asking me if I could teach them and by now you should know the popular question I ask them: Are you patient? Because you really should have an ocean full of patience before you would be able to crochet. Apart from the fact that you need patience, it requires a lot of dedication and commitment.
What excites me about my second student is that she knows when she is wrong. You know how sometimes, if you do not have the eyes of a crocheter, you might not know when something is wrong? She was a beginner but she knew all of these and that’s what I call having the crocheter’s eyes.It took a while for me to go through her first project with her, explaining what to do and what not to do but I’m glad that each and every day was worth it.
The reason why it took a while was because she closes from work a little late and she didn’t have light sometimes at night so mostly we had to have the lessons on weekends.Knowing that she was a busy person I made her choose what she wanted so we start with that because crocheting can sometimes become annoying when whatever you’re making isn’t for you or for someone you like or better still for money.
One trick I know is that for beginners, they always have to do something basic for themselves and when it starts coming together, they quickly fall in love with their work and can’t wait to finish. The feeling after finishing the work is really always out of this world. She chose a bralette and there I knew she would be so excited after seeing the results. I’m so proud of how far she has come and how dedicated she was throughout her journey. The highest admiration is the fact she’s a mom but was able to have time to learn how to crochet from scratch.
I know it won’t be a smooth road but I’m glad that at least she’s been able to get on the road. I’m so excited about her crochet journey and I can’t wait to see what else she’ll be creating with her hands. I’m so honored to be your crochet teacher.
All images are screenshots from our discord lessons.