
in Reflections9 months ago


Social networks are full of content that tells us that material abundance is the ultimate sign of value, power and attractiveness, but clinging to this idea of money and craving for it believing that it will not make us happy is a dark path that can destroy us inside, let's be honest, we would all like to be rich, but to think that money is an almighty GOD able to open the doors of eternal happiness and the final destination where every person who wants to be successful must go, I do not believe it, although it is very true that money gives us welfare and financial freedom, what many people yearn for, but to believe that we will only be happy if we possess it is to place ridiculously high expectations.

The world is in constant change from the deep and shocking realistic art to the simple and superficial modern art to the complex classical compositions to the simple and monotonous and current rhythms from the intimate erotic relationships to the bland adult content we value more the virtual connections than the real ones our society is going through a process of superfecialization driven by technological advancement and basically this process makes us look a lot at the material in superficial and stimulating and at the same time reject the spiritual the deep and uncomfortable or what requires reflection even the world of personal development is tainted with these trends and more and more influencers or gurus are communicating this idea that money is the most important thing that is the ultimate sign that a person has more value and it does not matter if the person has principles nor does it matter how that person ISO that money as long as he is helping his environment with what he does what matters is the figure that appears in his account and how he shows his financial superiority with all kinds of possessions and we are dazzled with everything that person shows like moths attracted to the light.

but analyzing well why someone who is rich would try so hard to show that his money makes him superior to others is not because he has many insecurities and unresolved shit inside and needs to cover it with money so that others do not see it or is it because he believes that showing what he has people will value him and respect him more even if it is only for his goods and do not be confused I am not saying that having wealth is bad I think that being financially well gives us a lot of freedom and peace of mind and it is very important to have a more pleasant life. I am not saying that having wealth is bad, I believe that being financially well off gives us a lot of freedom and peace of mind and it is very important to have a more pleasant life, what I am referring to is not to see money as a GOD, a magic formula to solve all of our problems.

a person who feels good about himself does not need to go shouting to the four winds what he earns if he does it is because he establishes much of its value in money or wants to get our attention so that we swallow his message or end up buying his course, but in anything the trigger is always the money or desire to have more to define themselves through their possessions and status, but not through their values financial superiority in no case means to be moral superiority nor less means being a better person


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Certainly, "money" is not "God", but how wonderful it is to have a certain amount that is enough for us to eat, dress, medicine, tickets and recreation. And if there is something left to save, so much the better.

"Being rich is sinful", that is the motto that 21st century socialism wields, while they immortalize themselves in power to continue enjoying stolen wealth.

“The more I have, the more I want” is a reality that escapes our control. I met people who always carried a $100 bill with the supposed purpose that "money calls money"... Something like eating the 12 grapes on December 31, or going out and walking around the block with suitcases... They are a belief that they drive in various cultures.

My motto is "live and let live"... I am not eternal and so, even if I amass an amount of money, I will only take the simplest clothes in my window, if they don't incinerate me, ha, ha, ha.

!gifs hive

The problem is not money, the problem is people who despise their neighbors and think they are better for the goods they have. I do not believe that being rich is a sin, no one is richer than God. Who lives surrounded by gold for those people with that thinking, he would be the greatest capitalist in history.

I cannot generalise as you do. There are many very charismatic rich people who always bring blessings to humble and needy people. I don't like to use the adjective “poor”. I remember the words of a millionaire who said, “I have the money to hire the best at whatever task, but it is not possible to hire someone to carry my disease. Money can buy all kinds of material things, but there is one thing it can't buy: 'Life'”..., Steve Jobs.

By saying that there are many people you are also generalizing if there are so many people helping as you say, because there is so much poverty in the world.

Poverty is a complex and multifaceted problem that affects millions of people around the world. To understand its causes, we must consider both historical and current factors. Below I present some of the main reasons behind global poverty:

  1. Historical Causes:

    • Colonialism: For centuries, colonizing countries exploited the resources of other nations, leaving economic and social consequences.
    • Wars and Conflicts: The violence and destruction caused by armed conflicts seriously affect populations, making recovery and access to basic services difficult.
    • Slavery and Invasions: These historical processes have left lasting scars in many regions.
  2. Current Factors:

    • Inequality in International Trade: Some multinationals use cheap labor in developing countries, perpetuating the poverty of thousands of families.
    • Unequal Distribution of Resources: The most vulnerable people do not have equal access to basic services such as health, education and housing.
    • War Conflicts and Violence: Wars affect areas such as Africa and the Middle East, making normality and access to services difficult.
    • Climate Change: Its effects can aggravate poverty by affecting agriculture, access to water and food security.
    • Lack of Medical Assistance and Education: Lack of access to basic services perpetuates poverty.
    • Nutritional Deficiencies: Malnutrition continues to be a problem in many regions.

Now, in what way do you contribute to the reduction of “poverty” in Venezuela? Have you ever gone to a “neighborhood” like Tacagua, Cota 905, Petare,… Have you extended your hand to a beggar or a drunk lost in a square… Have you gone to a student's house (not a known family or neighbor) to diagnose the conditions in which you live. It is easy to talk about poverty, the difficult thing is to realize that we unconsciously contribute to it.

I am not hypocritical to say that I have been in those neighborhoods, but I have done social work, I have helped as much as I could to the most needy I agree to a certain extent, to put our hope in a third party and think that this will change our lives is mediocre, only we ourselves can change our own destiny that is why every government that comes along only uses the people as it wants and gives them only the crumbs that fall from their table while they feast on the money from the public coffers this happens all over the world all because of greed.