Working entails those activities in which we do to earn money. It can be self-employed or working for someone in which we get paid daily, weekly, or monthly. It can also be for an institution, which can be a private or public sector, and it can also be for the government. I was telling someone days back about my experience concerning working by yourself, especially concerning a hive in which you are not queried for one thing or the very other and in turn have your time to do what you are supposed to do and also earn. Both are working, and we really earn in both, but I would prefer the work in which you are your own employer.
As a hiver in which you do not have the strength or feel like writing at the very moment, you are left with nothing more than to rest and continue when you want to. Is it like that in the other way around? Where people would work and work, whether they might be willing to at the moment. Some might really have strict rules and regulations in which at the slightest mistake might be sanctioned and little money deducted, in which at the end of the month they might be left with a salary not exactly what they are supposed to earn. I just feel that personally, if I were to choose, I would gladly choose working from home as a freelancer.
I would make my choice because I would really want to have time very well for things to which I have dedicated my time. Home gives you that great comfort in which you really desire to do that which you are supposed and want as an individual to do without any obstruction of who might sanction you. We all really have our individual differences and perceptions, and this is my own point of view.
Be your own Boss is a wonderful thing in which I hope for 🙏🙏.
This is my entry to the ladies of hive week 199 contest
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