in Ladies of Hivelast year

The month of love is still in the air. As a lady, what do you consider more: Careful decisions about whom to love, or the freedom to be spontaneous about it? Do you care more about present moments or future results of your decisions? Why?

I am someone who makes careful decisions before taking action. I assess my options and weigh the possible outcomes before making choices that mostly align with my values, preferences, goals, etc.

And love isn't exempt from these decisions; before I got married, I was careful with whom I gave my heart. I know people say love is blind, and when you are in love, you tend to do stupid things. As much as I agree with that, I also don't fully agree with it. I have seen a lot of people get hurt and destroyed because of love, so I guided my heart diligently, so when I was ready to go into a relationship, I had a set of rules and goals for things I would never take from anyone, and sincerely speaking, it helped me. I remember being in a relationship with someone who was body-shaming me because I was slim. I didn't think twice before leaving that relationship.


Do you care more about present moments or the future results of your decisions? Why?

As much as I care about the present, I also care about my future. For instance, the guy that I said I once dated and who was body-shaming me, if it were some people, they would let go and think or suppose the guy would eventually change or stop, but it was different for me because this is someone who had proposed marriage to me, so I thought of my future with him and ran for my dear life. Living with such a person will be a misery. I can't imagine living with someone who constantly reminds me of how slim I am.



I learnt alot

It sounds like you have a strong sense of self-awareness and a clear understanding of your boundaries and values. Your approach to love and relationships, guided by careful consideration and adherence to personal standards, is commendable. Setting boundaries and recognizing when a situation is not aligned with your well-being is crucial for maintaining healthy relationships. Keep trusting your instincts and staying true to yourself.

Thank you for your beautiful comment ☺️

Yes.. this is not bad to run away form that relationship who did not respects you , do not accepts yoh the way you are. So better to syau away.



That is def the wise thing to do. We have to be cautious and not let any random people in our lives

Yes we really need to be careful the kind of people we let into our lives