Hello, Foodies from all over the world!
Welcome to our curation report of posts published in the Foodies Bee Hive community and other communities on the Hive platform.
With these curation reports, we want to acknowledge the quality and honest work done by all of you.
On the other hand, we appreciate that you read and follow the rules of our community, since they have been formulated to guarantee the proper functioning of the community.
Now let's take a look at the great posts we've voted for in recognition of their quality!
Foodies Bee Hive Curation Report

Post #1
👩🏻🍳🥮I teach you how to make golfeados with my super simple homemade recipe[ES🇪🇸~EN🇺🇸]
by @anne002
Post #2

Post #5
Preparing Lentils to my liking in a practical and simple way without many ingredients//Preparando unas Lentejas a mí gusto de manera práctica y sencilla sin muchos ingredientes
by @zuliquijada22
Post #6
Post #7

Post #11
Chicken thighs roasted in a casserole. Muslos de pollo asados en cazuela. [Eng/Esp]
by @arqyanedesings
Post #12
🍽️"Idea Nª15" de Almuerzo Bajo en Carbohidratos - [ES/EN]- 🍽️ "Low Carb Lunch Idea No. 15"
by @alegnairam

Post #13

Post #14

Post #15
Recipe: Baked butternut squash, bacon, goat cheese and honey // Recette : Butternuts au four, lardons, fromage de chèvre et miel [EN/FR]
by @altheana