Do you remember those four eggs of Killdeer on the roof of my house? I published a blog about it a while ago. As I told you in that blog I kept a small tub filled with water near those eggs and then built a small wall with bricks and some waste so that at least a few hours of evening sunlight does not fall on them.
Along with this, I had also promised myself that from now on I would go to that roof only when it is necessary, because every time I went there, the mother bird would get scared and fly away from there and then as long as I remained on the roof, she would fly around and kept screaming.
Now about 15 days later, one evening when I went to the terrace to check the water tank, I saw this beautiful view.
2 little killdeer birds had already hatched from the eggs and their feathers also had the same pattern as their eggshells.
This is an aerial shot of these two, and here I noticed that as long as I remained there on the roof, they did not move from their place at all. Maybe they got scared after seeing such a big and strange creature in front of them.
Well, I didn't want to disturb them myself but I was happy for them so I just wanted to capture these few moments in my phone camera.
And the very next day I saw them literally walking on that roof, but as soon as I reached there, they started pretending to be innocent like naughty kids and quickly went and sat in a corner As if no one as innocent as them was ever born. 😂
See for yourself, looking at these pictures, would anyone believe that just a few seconds ago they were roaming on this roof without railing?😅
Well, the same day I saw 3 small birds here, which means another bird has taken birth from an egg. In the picture shown below, you can see that new baby bird under a paint container on the backside.
This is his closeup!
Just 2 days later, the first monsoon rains fell here, and out of concern for these little birds, I quickly ran to the terrace, but when I went there, I saw that The two baby birds born earlier were in full fun mode in the rain and were doing mischief on the other side of the roof.
One of them turned into a statue as soon as he saw me again. You might be thinking that I have added the same picture twice but it is not so, I took both these pictures at an interval of a few seconds in the hope that this baby bird would give me a good pose but I don't know why in fear or shame, but this baby bird did not look back at me.
And this is the youngest member of their family. It seemed as if they had forcefully brought this little bird into the rain but now it is not liking it here. I made a shelter for this little child from a broken pot, but that was the last time I saw those birds because, by the next day, all three birds had left from there.
As fast as those baby birds were growing up, they might have flown away on their own, or else their mother might have taken them to a safe place away from me. 😊
That's all for today's blog.
I hope you liked my Phone Photography! :)

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