BIRD ART, when I first saw the topic for this week's #SMaP the first thing I thought of was the wooden duck that hangs on the column on our front porch. When I completed the construction of the main section of our home 40 years ago, Robin's Aunt Barbara gave us this homemade gift. Aunt Barbara lived up the street from us, and her hubby, Robin's Uncle Louie was the gentleman who turned us onto the property, our farm. They have both passed away now and this simple replica is a reminder of how special they both were. If not for them we would be farm less. I wonder how different our lives would be if it were not for those beautiful people.
Now this guy has been around for a while. When we first started gardening while living in New Jersey the owl was placed in the garden to keep away any predators. When we moved to Upstate New York I decided to fasten him to the mailbox stand. The owl now guards our mail. The last thing I want is for anyone to steal all of the bills that arrive every month. 😁
I'm not sure how old these Turkey salt and pepper shakers are, but as a kid, I can remember my Mom putting them out every Thanksgiving and immediately storing them away until the following Thanksgiving.
This owl windchime has also been around for years. Robin's Mom had it hanging on her front porch for as long as I can remember.