Cats, dogs, and even the chicken, their favorite playground is in the neighbors backyard. One of our neighbors has this spacious backyard. Their employee used it sometimes, especially for butchering livestock, but it's empty most of the time. And I think that's a good thing, especially for any pets, dogs, cats, and especially chickens, lol. Aside from the backyard of our neighbor being spacious, it also has different plants and even wild plants. And y'all know how these creatures love nature. They can eat some wild fruits in there, and do some hunting, which is their favorite.

You can see green and trees everywhere here, that's why our pets love to hang out there. They do have their afternoon walk in there, it's just like us humans. And when it's time to go home, they will just appear in our own backyard. Sometimes Mama had to look for them, they can be forgetful sometimes, and won't go home until Mama look for them. (≧▽≦)

Here's a photo of them entering and exiting someone's backyard. It has a small hole here that was made by the adult dog. They keep on digging the ground until they can finally fit in there. No matter how much effort is made just to cover that hole, it will all be for naught because they will just dig a hole again so that they can fit in, aigooo.

Look at Ikay, that's our cat. She's actually staying in the comfort room, sleeping, but then she had to go outside because Mama is taking a shower, lol. So no choice, and instead of going to her new-found hiding place, she just decided to go to the neighbor's backyard (≧▽≦)

But anyways, let's talk about these two, Leon and Pepito. Lol. They are back, and as you can see, they are still with their mama, Maria. It's just last September when I shared about one of their siblings with really small eyes. Sad to say he didn't make it. They are still a day old then, but now this two, Leon and Pepito are big boys now. ( ◜‿◝ )♡

They are back after having their walk in someone else's backyard. That's their everyday routine, they'll stay there for hours to have a walk to look for foods. They are all being taught by their mom that the neighbor's backyard is a good place for fun time. They are actually just following their mama hen, and we are just letting them. They are not doing something naughty to the neighbors backyard, and we are sure that they are safe in there.

And now here they are back at home and they are all ready to make a mess in their hooman's garden, lol. And who would want to stop them if they are enjoying it like this? Lolol. They're hanging out in Mom's money tree, they really choose this spot (≧▽≦)

The good thing here is they don't peck on the money tree, because if they did, Mama will surely cage them. By the way, we cage them at night just for their safety. They are out during the day, so they have the whole day for fun in the backyard. ┏(^0^)┛

And this is for sure a lovely, fun time. Mama had to remind them, though, not to destroy the plant. And they are like very understanding kids who know what we're saying. They are only digging on the soil, just like playing around. ( ◜‿◝ )♡
So yes, I had a fun time too, watching them in our backyard. Just watching them is like watching my favorite anime series full of comedy it makes me laugh and it makes me feel good. \(^o^)/
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