milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-11060 • 3 months agoHome AloneHome Alone! source I remember this 1990 Family Comedy Movie series about an 8-year old boy who was accidentally left at home by his family as theymilesinverse rebloggedsuarlex in #hive-130906 • 3 months agoSuku OdonturiniLatin Name Observation date Location Suku Odonturini 28 December 2024 Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesiamilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-178265 • 3 months agoAway from Home For Now: My First Travel with Mama After 7 Long YearsTwo days ago, I shared our plan about having a vacation in Romblon. I'm still hesitant that time, but yesterdamilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-190931 • 3 months agoOnboarding and Our Comfortable Stay Inside the Ferry: Lunch and Snacks, Air Conditioned Room, and The Calm SeaIt's been a long time since I last saw the sea, and it was only during our trip yesterday that I got the chance to seemilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-168869 • 3 months ago[WE-237] Flipping Through the Family Album: Childhood, Old Photographs, and Dear MemoriesGoing through my photo album, I realized that my childhood is action-packed, it was filled with events from differentmilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoExploration and Fun Adventure: Garden in a Public Place, Sharing Good Vibes and Positivity with the PasserbyYou know what's amazing about having a walk in unfamiliar places? It is when you can see a lot of beautiful gardensmilesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-124452 • 3 months agoBeauty is not a Competition One of the greatest disservice that the Beauty Pageantry competitions like the "Most Beautiful girl in the World" or in any country has done to us is to give young girls a…milesinverse rebloggedsuarlex in #hive-130906 • 3 months agoGenus MimosaLatin Name Observation date Location Genus Mimosa 15 Desember 2024 Kabupaten Bireuen, Aceh, Indonesia tmilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-108045 • 3 months agoAttending the First "Simbang Gabi" and It's One Beautiful Night: Together with the Oldies and MamaI was the happiest yesterday because I got to the church with my oldies and Mama. It's the four of us, Mama, Mommy F,milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-120586 • 4 months agoCraving Satisfied!!!I'm not a fan of beans but for some weeks, I started craving beans. This is probably because of the fact that I hadn't eaten it for over 5 months. There are two major reasons why it tomilesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-11060 • 3 months agoOnce a Home Girl, Always a Home Girl 😅We've had a lot about Christmas in these past days😄 so I was glad that there was a other prompt that was away from anything related to Christmas. Don't get me wrong, I love…milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-11060 • 3 months agoWhat A Day! From my title, you'll probably guess that yesterday was a full day for me. It was my Community Development Service (CDS) Day and we were to collaborate with 2 other CDS…milesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-100067 • 4 months agoOur Short Ride In Search for a Pizza House: Mom is Craving for Pizza, but We Ended Up Having a Creamylicious Halo-HaloMom keep on mentioning the new Pizza house somewhere in Poblacion, near the Elementary Schmilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-140217 • 4 months agoI'm Addicted to a Dress Up Game: The Stunning Suits, Pretty Poses, and My Goals to Achieve Everything I'm really not a gamer, but I'd like to play too if I feel like doing it. I'm the kind of player that doesn't stay that long in one game because I often get tired of it. They…milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-11060 • 4 months agoDetty December, Jerky January The Christmas season is almost here and a lot of us are already planning to make the most of the season. **I grew up in a home where, on Christmas holiday we wake up a early as 5 am to stmilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-196708 • 4 months agoGuiding a Friendly Dog to Our Home - She Seems Lost and Looking for a New HoomanThere's a power outage here in our place, the time is from 8 a.m. to 12nn, that's according to the Facebook page of Ormecmilesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-155530 • 4 months agoA Lovely Walk on a Cloudy Day with the Oldie: Quick Stop to a Remittance Center, Buying Roasted Chicken in Chooks-to-Go, and the Christmas Vibes Everywhere We're supposed to visit a remittance center last Friday, but I encouraged Mom to do it on December 2, which is today.milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-179017 • 4 months agoShadow Influence -(My Entry for Shadow Hunters Contest 350)Have you ever been influenced by another person subconsciously? I bet even the best of us have been. Walking down, under the hot blazing weather from my lodge to my place of…milesinverse rebloggedlove1506 in #hive-119670 • 4 months agoTake the rights path: My health, my right!When you see the red ribbon, what comes to mind? I hope its not the movie or the book? [source](milesinverse rebloggedruffatotmeee in #hive-188409 • 4 months agoSpending Our Sweet Time Strolling in the Public Market, Checking Different Shops and Buying NecessitiesMama complained to me about her new FM radio. She bought it online, I did the ordering process, and after days of wa