I love the free themes in this contest, and it's again the motto in this week's SMAP. I've been searching my published posts in the community and realized I had only 17 in the whole last year; that's less than 2 per month! True, been less active in the blockchain; nevertheless, capturing more #featheredfriends on camera (and showcasing them!) is something I'll strive to do more this year.
So, for this week, nothing like revisiting some random clicks taken through last year in my home country. And let's start with one of the common and colourful ones!
Goldfinches can be found in rural and urban areas alike, but it's always better to find them in the middle of nature. Found this one perched in a broom (the bush, not the utensil), on a cloudy Spring morning.
He acnowledged my presence, but didn't payed me much attention. Males and females are alike (although there are some sources that claim they can be identified by the extent of red on the face - almost impossible to tell practically), but I would bet this one was a male. Why? Well, it was breeding season, and he was perching in an open wide view, screaming his lungs out!
Hence, likely trying to attrack females; can't blame him for trying, right? :)
Another bird that doesn't have sexual dimorphism, yet another that I love to find?
I usually just see them passing by, so I was lucky to catch this one resting on a pine tree.
Beautiful critters, aren't they? It's been a ton of time since I saw one with the open crest - years ago! And unfortunately for me, this wasn't that time.
I don't think I have a single photo with an open crest yet, who knows if that will change this year? Note to self - birdwatch more often!!
Off to a smaller bird, not as colourful as last two, but seen here with a very distinctive feature on the spotlight.
As usual with my luck, branches all over the place! Still, while this cutie was taking care of the plummage, the reddish breast was in plain sight.
Since it's one of the most visible characteristic of the species, it made the identification easy, even though I was unable to get a better shot; damn bird wouldn't stop preening for a second! :)
Well, it's not that uncommon not to have the perfect conditions for bird photography; luckily, there are times where the opposite happens, and there they are, posing for the camera!
Looking at the horizon, to the rough seas of SW Portugal, the female stonechat was in the same contemplative mood as I was.
Not even the strong winds made her steer away from her perch, since she stood there for ages! Perfect for me, since it was harder that I thought to get clear photos because of the movement caused by the wind.
Females and males of this species can be easily distinguished, and I won't dwelve on that today; but regardless of the sex, they both like to perch in high places in plain sight, which is awesome for anyone wanting to photograph... or just contemplate the species!
So there you go, some portuguese randomness. Have a great week!

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