Inspiration for this week's SMAP theme came in the form of pelicans: Birds in the sky! Always a fun (and challenging!) theme!
I struggle with getting decent photos of birds flying. Fortunately, seagulls in large numbers provide plenty of opportunities for some decent clicks.
In a windy city at the Moroccan coast, big flocks roam around the city's port. And as the golden hour approaches, their activity increases; not unusual, since dusk and dawn are excellent times for some decent birdwatching.
At this time of the day, there's an extra bonus: not only the birds are more active, the light also helps with the overall photography. More light is great if you want to focus on a specific individual, but if I'm trying to capture a larger group, dusk conditions are awesome.
And as the sun goes down and down, the overall composition gets even better! True, harder to catch the bird details... but how great are our #featheredfriends silhouettes?
Everything looks great at the golden hour, right? Regardless of the species, or country! At the portuguese coastline, seagulls also pose for the camera at that time of the day.
I'm just not completely sure if this is the same species or the less black-backed gull, since these were juveniles and seemed a little more bulky... but they're not less photogenic for sure! :)
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