Hello Feathered Friends Lovers,
I am looking forward to seeing your lucky photos of birds. If you've missed the previous round of #SMaP, this one is again sort of Free Theme, because lucky shots cover a big range, I think.
Here is the link to the contest post - Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 155.
For those who are actively participating in the contest, it is clear what to do and I am sure they do have many photos to choose from.
If you are new, read the rules before enter and join the fun, because our contest is to bring joy and smiles.
One of the funniest moments I captured with my camera is when birds take bath and because it is still cold, they use the dust instead of water. Like these bunch of sparrows.
They are usually many, but for me is a challenge to have more than two at once.
And this guy was so funny, all covered with dust before he shook and flew.
@ninahaskin has brilliant ideas for the contest -"Snow Day/Snow Play" and "Summer Splish Splash" featuring birds enjoying water activities. Summer Splish Splash is going to be real fun and I am very much looking forward to it. Sadly after she suggested the Snow Day, we had not a single snowflake. Actually the little snow we had stays for a little awile and I wasn't tempted to go out then. Now we have early spring, like winter gave up and trees and shrubs are covered in blossoms and bees are buzzing.
There are reports for storks arriving and they were seen in the southern part of the country. Too early if you ask me, but I have not seen any yet.
The last two days were foggy and cold. March is round the corner and being notorious, may bring the winter back. Some say the forecast is for snow around the middle of March. So, who knows, there could be a chance for Snow Play.

Thank you for viewing my post.