What an encounter we had today. Every time I see an owl I feel so lucky. It is amazing how many times we pass by one and the same place and just a quick look at the right direction - and here it is.
There are few bird houses in the park that was placed some years ago. I hardly see any bird there. It seems that they don't like them. Once or twice a sparrow pop up and a blue tit I think.
What a surprise! Today an owl was poking its head out and when we approached it hid inside and did not came out. What suprised me more, was the choice of the house. Of all, the owl chose the one above the benches, where there are always people.
Let's zoom in. Not the best quality, but I had to be sure I identified the owl as Scops owl.
And this is the first image, again not the best, but that's what I've got - only two images.
Now we will look at the bird houses more often and hopefully we will see the owl perching in front. I'd like to think this is a permanent home and little owlets will be raised there. I will be ready with the camera, just need to be fast and on right settings. 😉😄
It is going to be an interesting summer.

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