In the early morning the pool was surprisingly busy but nobody was swimming. Some were paddling, others were taking a drink and most were dipping their breast feathers in the water. Actually, that's breast, neck and face feathers. It's the hot season so I can understand the desire to do that. It's also a busy breeding period so I guess the soaked feathers will help to keep their chicks cool back at the nest. Hopefully, the chlorine won't be a problem.
The pigeons were comfortable with people nearby but skittish with movement. At the main pool they never stayed long as hotel staff had already started tidying up and my camera and I were paying at bit too much attention to them. When disturbed some of them flew up onto a translucent roof and with care to approach from the side I could get underneath them for an unusual view. When the sun appeared their feet and tail gained a nice shadow but with a busy day of pooping on cars ahead they didn't stay long.
The hotel cat was lurking suspiciously nearby but I wasn't sure if it was interested in the pigeons or just warily watching me. It was certainly camera-shy but I managed these three photos of the blurry cat in the background behind a poolside pigeon. I guess they see each other every day and might even know each other by name.
It was only when I wandered back to our room to get ready for breakfast that I glanced over the balcony at the quieter back pool. Here was the main flock having a more leisurely bathe, staying close together but usually just out of pecking range. The kind of behaviour so much easier to see in these very common birds.
These pigeons, making the best of what we are inadvertantly offering them, reminded me to keep my own little bird-bath topped up as the temperatures touch 40 degrees celsius.