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RE: Pool Pigeons

in Feathered Friends11 months ago (edited)

What a giant bath tub !

I laughed as I saw the first photo of the pigeons feet through the glass roof. I'm not sure why it was that funny. It was neat that you got those interesting and unusual shots to add. The last one was neat too because the rest of the pigeons body showed nicely in the upside looking shadow.

They are always fun to watch, but never much fun to clean up after when there are a lot of them in one space.


yes, they can be messy and seeing them using the pool made my wife hesitate to get in...but she did in the end, keeping to the less pigeony side.

Those feet and tail look like a cow's head to me.

I had to go back and look, but yes, I could see the cow head since you mentioned it or maybe something with very tiny antlers.