Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 172: BIRD COUPLES. Голубиные ухаживания - Pigeon courtship

in Feathered Friends8 months ago
Всем привет! Hello everyone!
Подсмотрела я как-то голубиные ухаживания и даже успела снять небольшой фоторепортаж. Это было 12 мая 2022 года. I once spied the courtship of a pigeon and even managed to take a short photo report. It was May 12, 2022.
Весна, май, берег водоёма. Голубка дремлет на песочке. Кавалер заметил её и направляется поближе. Spring, May, shore of a reservoir. The dove female is dozing on the sand. The gentleman noticed her and moves closer.

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Спохватился, что не в полном параде. Быстренько прихорашивается. He realized that he was not in full dress. He quickly preens himself.

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Подбежал и затанцевал вокруг. He ran up and danced around.

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Теперь уже дама решила навести у себя лоск. А кавалеру и так всё нравится. Now the lady has decided to polish herself up. And the gentleman likes everything anyway.

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Поцелуйчики любезно принимаются. Kisses are kindly accepted.

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3-ю фотографию я представляю на конкурс Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 172: BIRD COUPLES от @nelinoeva 3rd photo is my entry to contest Feathered Friends - Show Me A Photo Contest Round 172: BIRD COUPLES hosted by @nelinoeva

Camera Sony RX-100.

300 (7).png


Thank you!

They look gorgeous preparing themselves for each other then gently greeting.

Yes, it was very touching.

Good morning dear friend @eto-ka
What beautiful shots you have achieved with this beautiful couple of pigeons, they look happy with each other
have a great day

Thank you!

It is always fun to watch the pigeons how the male woo the female and the dance performances.

Oh yeah. I usually run past these city birds. And here I was in no hurry, it’s very interesting to watch.

 7 months ago Reveal Comment