Calm Prescence Filling Spaces Around You
Air plants and bromeliads, are simply a joy to see when in flower or simply hang around circulating clean air into the atmosphere. Bromeliads release oxygen and remove air pollutants at night making them a handy plant that requires little care or attention outside/inside a home.
The bromeliads of which I have many in pots, or in the garden soil directly, being water wise I seldom need to fuss, they do not enjoy much except the right spot to live in! Rosette clusters overlap forming a tank like feature on many of my larger varieties containing their own mechanism in holding dew, humidity or rain water.
Epiphytic varieties attached to trees, hung on walls, placed into logs here in our sub-tropical climate survive exceptionally well. Nature is fascinating in some creating pups to propagate themselves while others seed to carry on a species, all related to the pineapple family by what I have learned.
Watching them grow teaches patience, perseverance within ourselves simply nurturing, touching leaves lifts stress off ones shoulders. Gentle touch with other living things motivates our inner being, witnessing a kaleidoscope of colours in tropical vibrancy, makes it the conversation piece in any home or garden complementing whether minimalist or exotic.
Introducing more to the garden around me affords time to simply enjoy without spending hours tending to them, as age creeps up, time is often afforded to the pretty, using plants that are self-sustaining, advantage is more time to spend creation of herb garden or vegetables.
Bromeliads are ever green offering year-round robust garden with life around every corner, pet friendly one does not need to worry with animals around the home.
Bromeliads and air plants are distinctly different and desirable because of their striking foliage and unusual flowers. Both groups come from the same large family of plants known as Bromeliaceae, which includes pineapples and Spanish moss as well. Source
Gardens should bring joy, colour, surprise when capturing attention, pleasure feasting one's eyes on plants displaying variety of colour or texture in leaves, above are some found around the home, planted together when flowering surprises you into realizing you have another one of many varieties to pay attention to.
Time to relax enjoying the garden a happy Sunday, our days are still warm for this time of year enjoy your day!

Thought for Today: "People are like chameleons; circumstances make them change their colour." - African Proverbs