Thank you again ‘Razor’ for letting me know about ‘Weatherfield Police Station', but not for showing me the way in. I tend to watch his videos solely for that purpose and to figure out where they are.
We had passed this extremely boring-looking square building more than once on our Manchester escapades, but it always looked sealed to the eyeballs.
Other than climbing over a large gate, I had no clue how to get in until I found yet another video that told me all. This one was going to be a severe test of my climbing skills or lack of.
‘Weatherfield Police Station’ was once a genuine police station, the square, dull unexciting looks give it away purposely inflicting an impending sense of desperation to criminals being escorted inwards. This is how they used to build them in 70’s Britain.
Coronation Street, the soap opera, hijacked the station for a while, though it's hard to find any information regarding this one other than the masses of evidence inside.
This is the only image I can find which 'probably' is this particular station. The brickwork looks very similar.
The bosses of Coronation Street decided they wanted a more upbeat station and abandoned this one, can you blame them?
The gate wasn't such a big deal, and I was more aware of the on-looking houses than the effort to get over. It takes me longer than @anidiotexplores who tends to sail over barely touching the metal.
The grounds looked as square as the building with no obvious breech points besides the pulled-back 'tin' shown on the gate image.
More effort was needed to get inside which looked like a small room with a hole in the top. I knew this one was going to be a bastard but didn't figure on the extra exertion of getting through this small hole in the roof.
...'see that hole (right top), well there was another one just off-screen and to the bottom of this image, that was the way in'...
@anidiotexplores had to push me up, as this was a full-body pull-up albeit standing on some huge safe or similar in the 'box room'. His back cracked while doing so adding to the torment.
After making it to the small roof yet another hole of similar extra-small size led down into the station proper was just a few feet away. This was somewhat easier but the landing zone hosted an extra wobbly filing cabinet.
Jeez, the shit I do to get in places... and exiting would be the same all over again.
It looked like a real station, probably because it was... with jail cells made of pure steel with bars and a wall to size up the height of the incoming criminals, even the short-ass variety.
We are supposed to be in the UK, not bloody Russia. What is that doing there, a bunch of foreign documents from 1990? Note the ‘198’ is over-typed with ‘90’.
I have done a few Police Stations but this was by far the best looking one to date, the 'wobbly cabinet' is shown on the right.
Correspondence from 2000, I had to remember that most of what I would find would be scripts and fictional documents, but what this… that?
In the case of this, I have to assume it was stuck on the wall for the viewer's supposed authenticity.
Criminal damage? Not by the ex-inmates but by other fake explorers, you can be sure of that.
Jail cells, without even a padded mattress to lie on. It must have been uncomfortable.
Long skinny corridors; ‘Weatherfield Police Station’ is not a particularly large building so architects made sure to use every inch of the insides.
It was once the front door and an inverted image of the sited one further up this post. I think I found the only copy on the internet, besides Explorer images.
Those papers look interesting and are laid out typically for the next explorer to view.
Let’s zoom in a little for a nosey. They are script snippets from past episodes and from the year 2012. Lovely!
Only 40p for a coffee, what a bargain; If only it worked when plugged in we could have had a refreshing break of Columbia’s finest cheap rancid swill.
It would have looked better minus the blue and green paint.
More like the blue paint room. Someone had gone on a spree.
It all looks so real, but any crime records would be purely fictional.
A little over the top on the 'drive carefully' ditties methinks?
Someone had been bedding down in here? The effort it takes to get in and out daily makes 'Weatherfield Police Station’ a really shitty place to live. Beggars must go out daily to collect their salary from the general public.
I guess it works off all the free McDonald cast off's and Costa Coffee they receive while sitting on every corner of busy shopping areas.
A desk is needed for interrogating the criminals just brought in from the streets as well as these many chairs.
Finding a ladder, the only thing to do was climb, which took us to the flat rooftop.
I will add this image again as a reprise as down below, yet another would-be explorer appeared who wanted some action, just outside the gate, and next to that large tree on the upper right.
"How did you get up there?", he yelled oblivious of any nearby listeners.
"Over the gate, through the tinned window, up though the small hole, down the other small hole", came back the helpful reply, courtesy of @anidiotexplores
...lose some fucking weight mate and you might do better'
He looked around 18 stones, was a young bloke and looked like Big Daddy’s offspring without the muscle. Urban Exploring is not for FAT people, though it could well be used instead of those boring diets of Huel.
No bloody chance of getting in the small tinned building, even if he managed the gate. We watched him slowly walk away dejectedly.
After descending the iron ladder we checked the basement only to find more than several inches of water. Bollocks to that, even with wellies I wouldn’t go down into that cesspit.
Part of ‘Weatherfield Police Station’ had been burnt, but most was intact.
Getting out was marginally easier, as the wobbly filing cabinet was perched higher than the safe, and both of us found a handy bar to leverage the second small room.
Nevertheless, I was fucked after all the exertion. Was it worth it, oh yeah!
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