#PEPT Sovereign Wealth Fund(SWF) use case token was introduced 4 days ago.
Also, 4 days ago, a blog was published to communicate the release of some tokens. We are currently in tranche #7
When I added the sell order and communicated via #PeakD #Snap I introduced a decimal error in the order. I didn't get any feedback on the typo so that is consistent with most Hivers not reading carefully.
The following is the last announcement related to token release.
I created a #TooFuckeh problem to solve so read carefully on the solution.
At end of day, seven days from now, March 12, 2025 the holders on the richlist will receive 10 times their holdings. If you hold 10 tokens you will receive 100 tokens from the @pept-swf account. No new tokens need to be issued.
@logen9f @willendorfia @treasure.hoard @knightmarey @edgerik @nastyforce @pept @fjworld @pept-earn @veridipass @toofuckeh @rb3coins @pepentropy @baconface
The remaining portion of tranche #7 will stay listed for the stated period less one minute so it took can be included in the 10 for 1 offer.
So there you have it.
A 10 for 1 Windfall for existing SWF holders
May Positive pepEntropy be with you.