Health tip: Diclofenac (Engl / Spn)

in Qurator3 months ago


Greetings and happy holidays. Today I want to share with you another health tip, a medication, which has been of great help to me, it is DICLOFENAC. This medication is used to treat migraines, and it is very effective. Of course, there are terrible migraines that do not go away or are lessened with any treatment.

Saludos y felices fiestas. Hoy quiero compartirles otro tip de salud, un medicamento, el cual me ha sido de gran ayuda, se trata de DICLOFENAC. Este medicamento se utiliza para el tratamiento de las migrañas, y resulta muy efectivo, claro, hay migrañas terribles, que no ceden o se aminoran con ningún tratamiento.

I remember that before receiving treatment for hypothyroidism, I suffered monthly from terrible, epic migraines that could last up to three days in a row, and even with Tramadol (a medication similar to morphine), they did not lessen. They were miserable days, in which I worked crawling, and in which, in addition to the intense headache, I experienced continuous nausea and vomiting. Fortunately, I have been undergoing treatment for approximately 12 years, and now I do not suffer from migraines, although I do suffer from headaches (eventually), and to eliminate them I take a DICLOFENAC tablet. It is a prescription medication, which the endocrinologist prescribed to me to treat this problem.

Recuerdo que antes de recibir tratamiento para el hipotiroidismo, yo sufría mensualmente de unas migrañas terribles, épicas, que podían durar hasta tres días seguidos, y ni siquiera con Tramadol (medicamento similar a la morfina), se aminoraban. Eran días miserables, en los que trabajaba a rastras, y en los que además del intenso dolor de cabeza, experimentaba continuas náuseas y vómitos. Afortunadamente, desde hace aproximadamente 12 años estoy en tratamiento, y ahora no sufro de migrañas, aunque sí de dolores de cabeza (eventualmente), y para eliminarlos me tomo un comprimido de DICLOFENAC. Es un medicamento recetado, que me prescribió el endocrinólogo para tratar este problema.



DICLOFENAC has two types: Potassium and Sodium. I am not going to explain details of each one, or the differences between the two, since I am not a pharmacist or doctor; I only know that potassium has better absorption at the level of the intestinal mucosa, so its action time is faster than sodium, hence I choose to buy DICLOFENAC POTASSIUM, but when I can't find it, I choose to buy DICLOFENAC SODIUM, It has the same result, but it takes a few minutes longer to feel its effect.

El DICLOFENAC tiene dos tipos: Potásico y Sódico. No voy a explicar detalles de cada uno, ni las diferencias entre ambos, pues no soy farmaceuta ni médico; sólo sé que el potásico tiene mejor absorción a nivel de la mucosa intestinal, por lo que su tiempo de acción es más rápido que el sódico, de allí que me decanto por comprar DICLOFENAC POTÁSICO, pero cuando no encuentro, opto por comprar DICLOFENAC SÓDICO, tiene el mismo resultado, pero tarda unos minutos más en sentirse su efecto.



This presentation is in tablets, 10 tablets per box, each 50 mg. I really like the presentation, as it is neat, well designed and comes with a leaflet with all the details inherent to the dosage, precautions, adverse effects, interactions with other medications. It is a cheap medicine, 0.5 $USD.

Esta presentación es en tabletas, 10 tabletas por caja, cada una de 50 mg. Me gusta mucho la presentación, pues es prolija, bien diseñada y trae un prospecto con todos los detalles inherentes a la posología, precauciones, efectos adversos, interacciones con otros medicamentos. Es un medicamento barato, 0,5 $USD.





When I just feel the headache starting, I take a tablet or tablet with a glass of water, and lie down for 30 minutes to an hour. I go to bed, because that way the DICLOFENAC has a powerful effect, and when I get up there is no longer a headache. Another effect that DICLOFENAC has on me is that it relaxes me a lot, and I can go into a very deep sleep. If I take it at night, I sleep without interruptions until the next day, which is very rare for me, since I am an extremely light sleeper, and it is very difficult for me to fall asleep.

Cuando apenas siento que inicia el dolor de cabeza, ingiero una tableta o comprimido con un vaso de agua, y me acuesto por 30 minutos a una hora. Me acuesto, porque así el DICLOFENAC hace su efecto de modo contundente, y cuando me levanto ya no hay dolor de cabeza. Otro efecto que tiene el DICLOFENAC en mí, es que me relaja mucho, y puedo entrar en un sueño muy profundo. Si lo tomo en las noches, duermo sin interrupciones hasta el día siguiente, lo cual es bien raro en mí, ya que tengo el sueño extremadamente liviano, y me cuesta mucho dormirme.

This has been my review or my Health tip about DICLOFENAC, an accessible medicine, (in my country it is sold without a medical prescription), economical, and very effective (in certain cases); however, like any medicine, it has its precautions and warnings, so remember that it is essential that you consult your doctor before consuming it. It is not good to self-medicate.

Esta ha sido mi reseña o mi tip de Salud acerca del DICLOFENAC, un medicamento accesible, (en mi país se vende sin récipe médico), económico, y muy efectivo (en ciertos casos); sin embargo, como toda medicina, tiene sus precauciones y advertencias, por lo que recuerden que es indispensable que consulten previamente a su médico antes de consumirlo. No es bueno automedicarse.

Here I end my post today, in which I wanted to share a health tip, which I think may be very useful for some of you. Greetings to all, happy day or night, and remember: Not all days are the same and more importantly: Everything you give, everything you do, will inexorably return to you. Hugs!

Aquí finalizo mi post de hoy, en el cual quise compartir un tip de salud, que creo puede ser muy para algunos de ustedes. Saludos a todos, feliz día o noche, y recuerden: No todos los días son iguales y más importante aún: Todo lo que das, todo lo que haces, inexorablemente volverá a ti. ¡Abrazos!

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Diclofenac has so many functions and can be used for different types of pain, it helps to reduce inflammation of all types, sorry for your migraines and and happy that Diclofenac was able to help you.

It is certainly a medicine with many uses and applications, it is quite versatile and effective.

Thanks for stopping by to read and comment. Happy holidays!

My great friend, happy to read you and greet you, especially since it is December. I wish you a lot of strength and I send you a hug with love... I suffer from migraines and I think it was last year that after many days I decided to take Diclofenac, just to see if it would help me get relief and it did. Now when it is a very extreme migraine I take it and I see that I am not the only one. Excellent post, very informative, happy weekend...

Hello, it's nice to see you again. Thank you very much for stopping by to visit me.

I'm sorry about your migraines, it's terrible to suffer from that.
I suggest that you do not wait until the pain is very strong, as soon as you feel your head starting to hurt, take one or two diclofenac and lie down for about 30 minutes or an hour, it will be very effective, as long as the migraine does not have hormonal origins. (as was my case before treating my hypothyroidism), or of another nature.

I hope that in these days of the end of the year, you can have great moments, that 2025 brings you lots of health, success, prosperity and abundance.

Thank you for your kind comment.
