Jujutsu Jiu-Jitsu

in #devellast month

With this last week's release, there was a couple of small fires to put out essentially live in production. Talk about a mess.
A Mess

Then I got an email, that I get all the time with console utils and open source apps, and it's almost as if it was made for me.

There is a version control tool that has been around for a while, quietly, for at least 3ish years from what I can tell by it's git repo, that's right a git repo, even though it's another VCS. That's part of its brilliance, it can still use git as a storage layer, or dropbox, or rsync or just a filesystem. (Which I know you can do with git too, sort of.)

So, I read the docs, yes it's another tool syntax I would have to learn, but it doesn't seem to complicated, from what I read around, it only takes about a day's use to get used to.

And it's log looks clean.

$ jj log
@  mpqrykyp martinvonz@google.com 2023-02-12 15:00:22.000 -08:00 aef4df99
│  (empty) (no description set)
◉  kntqzsqt martinvonz@google.com 2023-02-12 14:56:59.000 -08:00 5d39e19d
│  Say goodbye
│ ◉  tpstlust support+octocat@github.com 2018-05-10 12:55:19.000 -05:00 octocat-patch-1@origin b1b3f972
├─╯  sentence case
│ ◉  kowxouwz octocat@nowhere.com 2014-06-10 15:22:26.000 -07:00 test@origin b3cbd5bb
├─╯  Create CONTRIBUTING.md
◉  orrkosyo octocat@nowhere.com 2012-03-06 15:06:50.000 -08:00 master 7fd1a60b
│  (empty) Merge pull request #6 from Spaceghost/patch-1

But, I'll read the docs some more and try it out in a smaller repo to get the hang of it.

Until then here are my numbers for the week.

tokei -C

As always,
Michael Garcia a.k.a. TheCrazyGM


You are killing it GM!