The past few days I haven't been quite as active here on Hive, I've been a little under the weather. But I have been keeping my eyes on prices of my investments, especially Bitcoin and Hive. It looks like BTC has finally settled in a "happy" place above the one hundred thousand dollar mark. Right now it's at about $104,000, and I'm optimistic it may stay there for the near future. Exciting times in the world of crypto!
Hive on the other hand feels a bit more like rollercoaster. It shoots up on some huge buys and slowly slides back down until there is another big push. I enjoy seeing the price above forty cents, and again I hope it stays there in the long term. However these surges up always seem to happen when I'm sleeping, so timing a Hive buy to capitalize has been a little harder...
Today's post will be my weekly Saturday Savers post, I know the header probably tipped you off. I joined the community six or eight months ago, I would have to look back at my older posts to say exactly when. I have found that setting goals here on the Hive and reviewing them weekly has helped me to achieve better results. Before I had a general idea of what I wanted to accomplish, but it was more vague and could change on a whim. I highly recommend the community, and everyone is really nice!
Let's have a look at how thing went for me this last week!
Hive Power
I have set my initial HP goal for this year at 10,000, which I feel is relatively easy to accomplish. I have increased my HP by 69 this week and currently have 6,576 staked Hive. Not the best week I could have had, taking a couple days free of posting has slowed me down a bit. Life can get in the way at times! I still think the 10K is very doable and I'm very optimistic, and I am 65.76% of the way there.

This year I again have a goal to reach 50K staked PIMP and it feels very doable. This is my secondary goal for this year. I started buying some this week and will keep it up. Prices haven't been too bad lately. I also earn daily from posting and from tips, so even without purchases I see my totals increasing. As of this morning I have 34,323 PIMP, I am at 68.6% of the final goal.

This year I set a goal to reach 5,000 staked LEO. Last year I wanted to achieve 2,000 staked LEO because it offered me four stake based curations monthly. At 5,000 that increases to six and who would turn down any stake based curation? I am 46.6% of the way to achieving this goal, and because LEO is relatively inexpensive I may pick up some buys here and there to help me along the way.
My goal this year is to reach 200 EDSI, I really need to buy at least two a week to make it. This week I only bought one so I'll have to up my buying this next week. I have just over 104 right now, so 52% completed in the goal.
It's a great token that has stayed stable over time, additionally it offers curation and dividends as well, both things that I greatly appreciate!

I haven't set a real goal in this category, that may change as the year progresses. I currently have 3,478 units, up 40 on the week. The way it works is you can sponsor another person by sending one Hive to @steembasicincome , the sponsored person receives a HSBI unit and in return, the sponsor also receives one HSBI unit. Just make sure to include the Hive name of the person you are sponsoring in the memo. It pays to give in this program!
I like to keep this as one of my discussed tokens as I offer a weekly 10 HSBI unit giveaway. It's a good way to let people know about it. I will also share a post I put together about a year back with some information on the program for those who are unfamiliar with it.
The link to my weekly giveaway that ends tomorrow. I'll post the next one after paying out the prizes of this weeks contest!
If you have questions about the events above feel free to ask!

Now for the best token of them all, at least it is in my opinion. However, since I helped create it I may be a little biased! About six months ago along with @bitcoinman and @bulliontools we created the DUO token to help fill voids in the Hive community. The purpose of the token is to accumulate enough Hive Power to be able to use a portion to support new onboards and help retain them through encouragement and with curations. We currently have about 36,300 HP in the curation account, and are already onboarding and actively searching for new Hive members that want to grow their accounts here in the community.
Our guest author program is allowing Hive members to earn by posting original content on the duo-curator account. Please see our latest duo-curator posts for rules and information on how to participate. You can receive half of the earnings from the post plus five DUO tokens and if you want we can even pay you out in DUO tokens to build your personal stash.
We also have a new number guessing game in our update posts where you can win some free DUO. Don't forget to check out our posts and guest posts for a chance to win some!
DUO token holders receive by far the greatest benefits. Once you have 200 staked tokens you can receive a daily curation on your quality posts and receive daily liquid Hive dividends. Once you stake more than 500 DUO you also can use the DUO tip call to tip someone with some DUO, and in return you get the same amount of DUO in your account. It pays to tip others with DUO!
I currently have just over 1,300 of these and will be continuing to purchase them. Once this tranche of tokens sells out the price will jump from one Hive to 1.5 Hive each, and there are only 12K left. My advice is to buy in early while they are less expensive! Plus you will make money as soon as this batch sells out due to the price increase! All Hive from token purchases is locked into Hive Power and will never be powered down.
Other Tokens
I will continue to hold onto my staked DBOND and DAB tokens. It's a nice program that builds up over time earning you more money with essentially no effort. Staked DBOND tokens pay out DAB tokens, which you can stake to get paid out more DBOND tokens. Alternatively you can leave DAB unstaked to receive liquid Hive instead. I'm very happy with these! My current DBOND balance is 273 and DAB balance is 51.
RUG is a token that earns income outside of Hive using liquidity pools and brings the proceeds back into Hive, 75% of earnings are paid out to RUG holders in the form of DBONDs. I missed the early phase of this program as we had just founded DUO, and most of my funds went there. It's a classic example of opportunity cost, I did learn something in Economics 101 after all. I have bought my first two tokens, but plan to add to those over time!
SIM token is the governing token for the game dCity here on Hive. I do play the game so I earn some tokens daily there, but also have purchased over one million of these. They pay daily Hive dividends once you hold enough of them, I don't recall the exact figure buy you can find in the token information. The price seems to have stabilized over the last week and so I may start to buy my way up to two million for more daily dividends. This token is inflationary, so be warned you may lose money on your initial investment.
Another nice feature is you can place your tokens into liquidity pools and get extra rewards and continue to receive daily Hive dividends.
POB token I started to focus a bit more on this program lately. If you stake POB and delegate it to pob.voter you can receive weekly liquid Hive dividends. I only have 1,305 in there right now, but will continue to add to it weekly. I haven't set a goal other than to use my tokens earned to invest in the initiative. But if you like liquid Hive dividends you should check it out!
BBH and BBHO are also great programs and started by @bradleyarrow . BBH is a tipping token which allows daily tips depending on how many you hold, I have over 50K now which gives me 50 daily tips to give which I never manage to exhaust. I love always having BBH tips available, it's nice to always be able to hand out at least a small token gift! There is also a weekly drip of tokens that is paid out each Saturday to holders. I also give away 100 BBH weekly in my weekly HSBI contest!
BBHO is a nice token that pays out weekly payouts of various tokens if you stake them, even DUO if you hold over 2,000 staked (which I do!) I currently have 2,605 staked BBHO. While I don't have any set goals here it might be nice to make 5K BBHO by years end. I may add this one in later!
Every since I was a child I have enjoyed collecting precious metals. Something I leaned from my father and has stuck with me over the course of my life. It's a great hobby, but even more importantly it's a way to build and preserve personal wealth. Silver and gold will always have value no matter what happens, which is why it's an important asset to own.
Silver had been staying just above the $30 mark for the last several weeks. Depending on how the markets do it may make push to new heights, and some nations have been increasing their holding of precious metals making them in shorter supply. There is still a lot of uncertainty in the world which will tend to drive metal prices upward.
silver over the last five days, chart from
Every week I try to find an interesting way you can invest in silver. It doesn't always come in the form of bars or coins, but can be a specialty item. I found this one that is really pretty cool:
Pictures from
This is a one Troy ounce arrow head made of hand poured silver. Not only is it a cool looking item, it's pretty affordable as well. On they are only $40.85, just ten dollars over the spot price of silver. It's not a bad deal! Plus it's not your typical silver collector's item! This would be a fun way to dive into investing silver, plus who owns a solid silver arrow head that you know? Outside the Silver Gold Stackers community that is!
It's always smart to invest in precious metals.
That will wrap up this week's #saturdaysavers post. I hope you enjoyed it, and I'm proud to be making headway on my goals. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you for all of your support, I appreciate the whole Hive community. Have a great weekend everyone!
If you are interested in precious metals the #silvergoldstackers community may be right for you. We share silver and gold items with each other, and even if you don't have any precious metals to share you can still participate and learn!
I am not a financial planner and this isn't financial advice. Please always do your own research before investing your money. You worked hard enough to earn it!
Header generated with
DUO token
This is a token from the Hive Onboarding Committee (HOC). It offers curation, dividends, and a tipping bot for those who stake enough tokens. The overall purpose of the token is to stack enough HP to be able to assist the HOC in onboarding and retaining new members to Hive.
Please check out the white paper:
You can find DUO for sale here:
If you are interested in precious metals or even want to learn more about them feel free to come join us #silvergoldstackers
I'm a proud member of The Alliance Family!
The HOC focuses on onboarding and supporting new Hive members
Posted Using INLEO