Valentine's Day is a bit of a non-event in our house, and in Finland in general. Unlike the rest of the world that celebrates this made up holiday of love, in Finland it is considered "Friendship Day" and doesn't focus on love at all. Love is far too serious in Finland.
Which reminds me of a story.
Over twenty years ago and only having been in the country for a few weeks or so, I was at a café collecting my coffee and for some reason I said "Thanks love" to the waitress, as I might have from time to time in Australia. I probably picked this up from my Grandad, as for him everyone was either "love" or a "silly bugger". Anyway, the girl who was probably only a couple years younger than me in her early twenties, blushed like I had just proposed to her and she was considering saying yes.
I found out later that "love" is not often used between people here.
Especially people who love each other.'
"I said I loved you once. If anything changes, I'll let you know."
But, since in our house Valentine's Day is a non-event, I decided to make it a bit of an event conspiracy with Smallsteps as my conspirator. When we were in the city together the other day, I picked up a silver necklace that I know that my wife wanted from a Finnish brand that she likes. Actually, two Finnish brands that she likes, as it is a collaborative piece between Marimekko and Kalevala Jewellery. Once we got home, Smallsteps made a lovely card with hearts, a mouse, and a dachshund, to match the wrapping colours.
However, we couldn't just give it to her without a little bit of a ruse, so when Smallsteps had made a card at school for her mother also, we decided to bait her with a tiny surprise. So after everyone went to bed, I got some nice looseleaf tea into an infuser, with a Marimekko cup and some honey, ready for her to use in the morning, as she gets up first and sits with a tea to start the day.
My wife thought this was an awesome start to the day.
My wife was sitting next to Smallsteps' bed drinking her tea and Smallsteps excused herself to go to the bathroom, and then came sneaking to wake me up. She was so excited - it was awesome. So then, we both went in, and Smallsteps gave her the bag with a nicely wrapped box in it, and a card.
Now my wife was confused.
But when she opened the box and saw the necklace, she was happy, and also embarrassed, because she said, "I didn't get you anything at all".
That is the point.
I don't like giving presents on these "special" days, because they are expected. Instead, I give people things randomly, because then it is actually a surprise. But, because Valentine's Day has been a non-event in our household for so long, it was actually a surprise for my wife to get something, and it is something that she wanted and will wear and keep for a long time.
And it feels good to give people something they actually want.
She might not get anything for her birthday though.
And, when my conspirator got home from school, I decided to give her a bit of a Valentine's surprise snack too, and made a version for her first ever banana split - with half a banana, a sliver of leftover mudcake from when we had guests the other day, and a small piece of ice cream. She was dubious that chocolate and banana would go together, which goes to show how inexperienced her sweet tooth is, but loved it of course.
I made her an omelette for a better meal later.
And then, to enter into the weekend proper, as I was heading back from the gym, the neighbour gave me a call to come over for a coffee and a whiskey. I am not a big whiskey drinker, but this one was pretty good on my taste buds at least. So yeah, it was not a bad start to the weekend at all.
If I was wealthy, I don't think my life would change that much day to day, but I reckon I would end up buying little things for those I care about when they aren't expecting it. I like shopping for people, and can spend hours looking for items for others, without even looking to buy anything. However, I dislike shopping for myself, because I never find anything I want, no matter how long I spend looking.
That is probably a good thing.
Because I have so much physical, mental, and emotional baggage, I don't have room for any more stuff in my life.
[ Gen1: Hive ]