PostsCommentssrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 7 days ago📸 My Assistant Photographer, A History Test, & More! 📄Well my tests is finally over but it will be useless since I got the visa for the US and probably have to leave Cambodia soon. ![IMG_srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 12 days ago🧶 Learning How to Crochet, A Chicken Incident, & More! 🐔 So I wanted to tell you a bit about my little incident with a chicken, yep a chicken. I will also tell you about my new hobby. ![IMG_srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 13 days ago🛣️ Plans For The Weekend, Bad Seat Arrangement, & More! 🏫I wanted to tell you all about my day and my parent's plans for the kitties this weekend. Also the electricity is out which mean I gotta makesrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 14 days ago🥦 Buying Groceries in Pramaoy, No Electricity, & More! ⚡I went grocery shopping yesterday and also get my bike to fixed. It is also because there were no electricity for a whole day. I hope you enjosrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 20 days ago🏫 A Star Student, Painting The School, & More! 🖌️So in this post I will tell you about a new student who won 1st place in like a poetry competition, and the new look of my school. ![srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 28 days ago😺 Funny Cat Dad Shirt, Dusty Roads, & More! 🛣️Sorry for not posting a the past few months but I hope you enjoy this one. I wanted to share about my daily life and in my next post I will shsrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🗝️ Welcoming My Newest Book: The Inheritance Game! 📙I wanted to show a new book that I just bought less than a week ago. It is about solving mystery, riddles, adventure and a lot more.srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🔥 Cold Season, Popcorn At Night, & More! 🍿I wanted to share with you about the weather here for the past few days. I will also tell you about my school and a package that just arrived.srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🛕 Getting Called To The Principal Office, & More! 👨🏻🏫I wanted to tell you that I got called to the principal for a bad reason for the second time for being late. I will tell you more in the postsrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🖼️ Picking Up Basmati Rice, An Easy Fried Rice, & More! 🌾 I will tell you about my day today and maybe a little bit about yesterday. Also I have to listen to my dad telling me how bad my grammar is, bsrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🛵 Going School Without Khanya, Getting Back Into Hula-Hooping, & More! 🎪I wanted to tell you about my school life and about my past a little. So my school is getting more close to shutting down. ![IMG_4632srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 3 months ago🐈⬛ Celebrating Kathun At Thmor Da Temple & More! 🛕I wanted to share a celebration that happened a few weeks ago, and more about them too. I will also give you an updates on the kitties too. <srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🎑 Bun Om Tuk Festival (Water Festival), And Ok Ambok Celebration! 🚣🏻♂️I wanted to tell you about Bun Om Tuk festival also known as the water festival. I will also tell you about Ok Ambok that is happening tonightsrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🛞 Cleaning The School, Getting New Tires, & A New Homeroom Teacher! 👩🏻🏫I don't have anymore temples to share but I still have school stuff to share so here is my days at school. Which is with both fun and boring ssrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🧼 Monkey Thief, Staring Competition, & More! 🐒I wanted to show and tell you about out last trip the Angkor Thom and meeting some monkeys. One of the monkeys stole a bar of soap from us. <srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🛕 Visiting Angkor Wat After Raining! ☔Well here is a post about my visit to Angkor Wat. My mom, my sister, cousins went there to pray and get a blessing. So I hope you enjoy it. <srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🛵 Visiting Pre Rup Temple, & More! 🛕I wanted to show you one of the temples that I visited while I was in Siem Reap and in my next post I will post about Angkor Wat so stay tune.srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🌆 Sunset At Angkor Thom, & A Beautiful Moon! 🌕I wanted to show some sunsets and a moon pictures to you that I took in Angkor Thom, Siem Reap. I will show you more pictures of the temples isrey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🛵 An Adventures Trip To West Baray, Siem Reap! 🏊♂️After a trip to Battambang we were on our way to Siem Reap, and after a night of goodish rest we made our way to West Baray. ![IMG_51srey-yuu in #hive-141359 • 4 months ago🛣️ A Fun Trip To Battambang, Visiting A Night Market, & Bon Om Tuuk Festival! 🚣♂️After a long time without posting I am back with a post about my trip to Battambang with 2 guests that you might already know. ![IMG_