So I went to Siem Reap last week and I wanted to share some pictures from those days. Anyway for today I will share some pictures Angkor Wat and I will also tell you a bit story about what happened that day.
So I went to Siem Reap with my neighbor and her granddaughter who's the reason why we were going in the first place. We actually plan on going to Siem Reap on Khmer new year which is in April but my neighbor's granddaughter needed to get her eye check so we went to Siem Reap a bit early.
Anyway I explore Angkor Wat a bit more while I was there since most of the times it is really hot. I also saw a lot of people having their wedding photos and others dressed in traditional clothes. I only wear normal clothes and since it was hot and I was with my neighbor.
While I was there I tried to find the dinosaur carving but I couldn't instead I found the Singha. I don't know correctly if that is what it is called but yeah maybe you can find it in the picture. While I was taking pictures there is this guide who was telling the story but my neighbor's granddaughter was being naughty so I couldn't stay and listen.
Anyway at Angkor Wat there are small shops that sells paintings, clothes, jewelries, and other stuff as well. There are also place where you can buy drinks in case you are thirsty or hungry and it is also near a pagoda. As far as I remember I went to the pagoda once but my cousin said that I went there more than 1 time.
We took a lot of picture but most of them are in my mom's phone since she took the pictures. This photo is also hers and while we were taking picture there is this Korean lady who also know how to speak Khmer wanted to take pictures for us. Which we agreed of course and she is such a nice lady. After we went to lunch and went to this place near Angkor Wat but I forgot the name. Maybe I will make a post about it.

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