What Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive16 days ago

Discipleship entails following. A disciple is a follower. A disciple listens to his teacher and follows his teachings. We are the disciples of Jesus Christ if we follow His doctrines. A disciple won't just go about and tell people that he is a disciple. People will see in him that he is following someone. The person which a disciple takes instructions from will be his master.

When someone makes the Lord Jesus Christ his Master, such a person is the disciple of Jesus. As a disciple of Jesus Christ, he will allow his life to be coordinated by Jesus Christ. He will allow the doctrines of Jesus Christ to dictate his life. That kind of individual has made Jesus Christ is Master. When we make Jesus Christ our Master, we are his disciples.

It the doctrines of Jesus Christ that will produce the disciple of Jesus Christ in us. When we listen to the doctrines of Jesus Christ and obey them, we will be counted as the true disciples of Jesus Christ. We cannot be partially obedient to God and then claim that we are his disciples. Obeying the entire doctrines of Jesus Christ is what will make us his true disciples.