What Makes A True Disciple Of Jesus Christ. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive14 days ago

When thinking about the disciples of Jesus Christ we should remember that we too are the disciples of Jesus Christ, not only the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ. The apostles were the first set of disciples. They walked with the master physically. I heard his words and felt his presence. The interacted with him physically. That was why they were entrusted with the responsibility of taking the gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world.

We are also the disciples of Jesus Christ. We are the disciples who have come to learn from what the 12 apostles laid down. So, we are in on way inferior. We are still the true disciples. We are the bonafide disciples. We have been taught from what the first set of disciples learnt from the master.

The only important factor is that anyone who claims to be the disciple of Jesus Christ must be someone who is obeying the commandments of God. That person must be someone who is following the doctrines of Jesus Christ. If you are not following the doctrines of Jesus Christ, then you are not his disciple. His disciples are those who obey His doctrines.