Passing Our Faith To Our Children. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW.

in MCGI Cares Hive14 days ago

The salvation of our friends and relatives should be the priority unto us. We should be mindful of the souls of those who are related to us. We must not ignore their salvation.

Passing our faith to those around us is very important. When everyone in our circle come to know and obey the commandments of God, we will be sure to have a peaceful life. If we are not working it out that our friends and our relatives get to know and serve God, we might not have peace.

For us to pass our faith to our children and others, we must make them understand the Word of God. They should get to the doctrines of Jesus Christ. They must be exposed to the truth in the Word of God. The salvation power of God is in His Word. When someone gets to understand that word of God, the power of God will regenerate and save that soul.

So, to make our children know our faith and stand on it, we must teach them about the doctrines of God.