Is God Punishing Those Who Misinterpret The Bible. MCGI TOPIC REVIEW

in MCGI Cares Hive13 days ago

God is a just God. His judgement is sure and certain. Whatever God has told us in his Word that He will judge men for it, He will certainly bring them under judgement. He is not a God who is not aware of what is happening around. No man should look at it that God will not be able handle all the offenses which men are committing against Him.

The reward of God including judgement to evil doers are clearly stated in the Word of God. The Bible has made it clear that God will punish those who sin against him in every way. Those who misinterpret the Bible will not be exempted. There are severe judgement which the Bible has spelt out for such people. One must be careful how we handle the doctrines of Jesus Christ. Disobedience to God’s commandments will always attract punishment.