ivansteward54 rebloggedbozz in Discovery-it • 10 months agoCelebrating the small things (Like 75,000 HP staked)As I mentioned last week, it was my birthday this past weekend. You might think that would be cause for celebrativansteward54 rebloggedgrindle in StreetArt • 10 months agoPeople I don't know . And People I know. Concepción de Ataco. El Salvador.Ataco, for short, easier on the mouth, easier on the fingers, is a small city with a population of under 20k, and for such a small compact centre I have never seen so much art in…ivansteward54 rebloggededdwood in Worldmappin • 10 months agoLuxemburg CityLuxemburg English ° Deutsch °ivansteward54 rebloggedstarthilfe in Deutsch D-A-CH • 10 months ago#1193 Diese Beiträge brauchen eure Unterstützung! Aufruf zum Voten!Liebe D-A-CH - Community, mit der Beitragsreihe "Aufruf zum Voten" möchte ich auf Artikel aufmerksam machen, die kurz vor der Auszahlung stehen univansteward54 rebloggedpinkchic in Foodies Bee Hive • 10 months agoOverlooking Dine At Korum!It was just an ordinary afternoon but when I stepped at Korum, it was a relaxing experience not to mention the soothing ambiance witivansteward54 rebloggedtrumpman in STEMGeeks • 10 months ago🍝 TIL: The Flying Spaghetti Monster is Real ! 🍝Don't worry, I am not trying to convert you to being a pastafarian. This is just another of my strange animal posts :) So, today it was brought to my attention the existence…