|| IAAC DAY 1013 || Be A Positive Minded Person
I believe that we become what instil in our mind, our thoughts and our way of thinking is who we are and that's why we must leave no room for negative thinking.
I am Alive and Thriving, The excitement that Follows Knowing It's Friday💃
Like the popular saying “all work and no play…” 😀 Life is sweet when you work,rest and have fun. It's really going to be an exciting weekend for me and it has already begun.💃
Huush! I Almost Forgot Today Is Friday!!
Waoh! How time flies; we started the week some days ago but today almost runs out before I realized that it is Friday. It was when I was booking an appointment with a client for tomorrow that he told me that tomorrow is Saturday, it was then I checked my calendar that it occur to me that I had been fooled by the passage of time.
I Am Alive Challenge - Day 577
My wife was not feeling well from last few days and we were waiting for some tests, we got the same today. So she went for docs consultation for the same. Good thing is that all the reports are normal so docs did not find anything. But this also means that we still don’t know the actual cause. So good and bad news together.
Image by Pierre Blaché from Pixabay