divergente1 in #hive-127911 • 8 hours agoDesign, cutting and sewing of zippered pockets**Hello dear Hive family, I hope you are doing well. Today I want to present you thedivergente1 in #hive-189641 • yesterdayEasy cut and sew design of shorts**Hello, how are you folks? How are you, I hope you are doing well. Happy weekend to all of you Hive family. I want to present you some sidivergente1 in #hive-147010 • 2 days ago"When life gives you lemons, model with them! 🍋💃" - "Cuando la vida te da limones, ¡modela con ellos! 🍋💃"![q1YlFB3EipX4avjb_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2025-03-21_a_las_21.30.10_c1853ca3-removebg-preview.webp](divergente1 in #hive-131951 • 3 days agoSegundas Oportunidades - Second ChancesEl tren pasa solo una vez en la vida? - The train passes only once in a lifetime? **Hola, que tal amigos, espero que se encuentren muy bien.divergente1 in #hive-147010 • 4 days agoA beautiful Photogenic Butterfly - Una linda Mariposa Fotogénica!divergente1 in #hive-189641 • 5 days agoRepairing a Hole in a Shirt - Reparacion de un Hueco en Camisa*Hello friends, I hope you are doing very well, that each of the creative ideas you have in mind can be materialized and be successful.divergente1 rebloggedlissobando18 in #hive-131951 • 9 days agoIniciativa: Esto es lo que Soy... - Initiative: This is what I am... .Hola que tal amigos, espero que se encuentren muy bien. Me uno a la iniciativa propuesta por nuestra querida amiga @damarysvibra , donde podemos analizar lo que creemos que las…divergente1 rebloggedvidaysalud1 in #hive-165757 • 13 days agoThe discipline that music generates in the family Music is a powerful tool that not only enriches children's lives but also our lives as parents. One of the most important values that music can instill in everyone at home anddivergente1 in #hive-189641 • 13 days agoElaboration of Frame for Canvas - Elaboración de Marco para Lienzo - **Hello friends! Happy start of the week. I hope you are feeling well. In this time I have dedicated myself in elaborating some decorative paintings, a very important step for the paidivergente1 in #hive-189641 • 15 days agoDrawing of a Colorful Hummingbird in Oil Painting**I hope you are doing well. It is always a pleasure to greet you. I hope this weekend is good for you and that you manage to enjoy in joy, and that each of your projects materialidivergente1 in #hive-131951 • 18 days agoQue Harias si supieras que tienes poco tiempo de vida? - What would you do if you knew you had a short time to live?Hola que tal amigos! Espero que se encuentren muy bien, que la salud acompañe sus vidas y que la felicidad reine en su vida. Hello friends! I hope you are doing very well…divergente1 rebloggedlissobando18 in #hive-100067 • 18 days agoHealthy Cocoa, banana and oatmeal cake Hello Hive family, I hope you are well. Being able to eat healthy should be part of our resolutions and habits in our life. But we also usually associate eating tasty food with jdivergente1 in #hive-147010 • 19 days agoSome of the picturesque costumes in Anaco !divergente1 rebloggedvidaysalud1 in #hive-165757 • 25 days agoTribute to the 50th anniversary of the Venezuelan Symphony Orchestra - Homenaje a los 50 años de aniversario de la Orquesta Sinfonica de Venezuela![w2EpNMzioBnO6fzl_Pink_Watercolor_Background_Business_Name_Facebook_Cover_7.webp](divergente1 in #hive-127911 • 26 days agoDesign of trousers for a 5 year old girlHappy day my dear friends of Hive! I hope you are doing well, I hope that each of your designs this week are very good and above all that you manage to enjoy the process you are…divergente1 rebloggedrodriguezkike232 in #hive-189641 • 26 days agoSpiderman drawing design - Diseño de dibujo del Hombre Araña Hola como están familia de Hive, espero que se encuentren bien! Uno de mis personajes favoritos es el hombre Araña. Es un personaje que desde pequeño me ha gustado mucdivergente1 in #hive-189641 • last monthDiy- Diseño fácil de dormilona - Hello, I hope you are doing well today. Greetings to all! With a meter of fabric eslastic I have made this piece very easy to make for a size S or M, I hope you like idivergente1 rebloggedvidaysalud1 in #hive-189641 • last monthCarta Mágica con Sorpresa de Corazón - Magic Letter with Heart Surprise Hola mis queridos amigos, espero que estén muy bien. En este mes del amor hemos disfrutado de muchas y maravillosadivergente1 in #hive-131951 • last monthLa Milla Verde; Prejuicios y Juicios - The Green Mile : Prejudice and Judgment Fuente **"La Milla verde" Es una gran historia ddivergente1 rebloggedrodriguezkike232 in #hive-147010 • last monthA Playful Lamb sticks out tongues ![6Pu1g0mLViGq455F_Imagen_de_WhatsApp_2025-02-17_a_las_13.30.13_84d98059.webp](