A lot of people are getting unemployed because of the job cut or other things and they are remaining unemployed for extensive time period. Now there is emergency fund which must of us keep for the times like this. But I feel we also should get the unemployment benefits from the government. An individual is paying so much in taxes to the government when he is employed but at the same time when he is unemployed he doesn't get anything from the government which is wrong.
PC: Pixabay.com
There are schemes which are state level where you get some money if you are unemployed but that is too low. Like $20 for the whole month and that is nothing. I feel the government create a scheme mainly for the tax payers. Now in India very less people pays tax like 2 to 3% and thus if the government can come up with the scheme only for the salaried who pays the tax then it might encourage others to pay the tax too.
I know this will be a burden to the government but again unemployment is rising and the government should support their citizens when they are in need. People will also say that if they never worked then also they should get the money on being unemployed. That is different story to be honest, when someone payed the taxes and then are unemployed then getting it from government is actually correct. Because you have given the taxes and in return asking for money when you are not working. Who never worked, getting the money is like they will always be in that situation.
I am not saying to support the unemployed for a prolonged time, support till he gets a new job or for like 12 months because that will give him enough time to find a new job without worrying about the money much. Teh emergency fund is there but not everyone can afford to create that emergency fund for themselves because of high inflation and that's why having the support from the government is so much needed.
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