A Coffee Break at Cafe Constanza (En/ Es)


My dear friends, on this occasion, I bring you a new discovery of a beautiful coffee shop called Constanza. I had already seen this cafe on one of my walks around the city, but they were just opening in full process, so I promised myself to visit them when they were fully operational and so I did this day, I was overwhelmed from some medical errands, because of the heat and tired of so much hustle and bustle; I remembered the place, as I was on my way home and I stopped to make my usual coffee break, to renew energy and then continue on my way home. From the moment you stop in front, you can see on the boulevard in front of the establishment some nice period furniture, announcing what you can find inside.

From the moment you enter you find a very colorful decoration, full of strategically well arranged lights, by means of beautiful lamps that give you a cozy and intimate atmosphere; with a combination giving views, between the 50's, with a minimalist part and at the same time with the current era, with beautiful furniture well arranged throughout the place, with padded armchairs of different colors. I was thrilled by so much visual beauty, as it had many details, especially for customers to take pictures. The beautiful floors completed the whole scene.

As almost always, I ordered my latte. I was curious to know what the presentation would be, in the face of so much detail, I expected nothing less for my coffee. While I was waiting, the kind waiter, a guy dressed like from the 50's, kindly offered me a coat rack to hang my wallet while I waited for my coffee. I loved that detail. While I was seated, I tried to take pictures of all the spaces; the ceilings stood out with their pretty lamps and some spotlights that strategically illuminated some spaces. I even got an antique bicycle there.

In the place they also offer cachitos, chocolate croissant, pistachio croissant, cookies of various types, as well as portions of cakes of various presentations. Where the barista was located, a shiny coffee machine could be seen throughout the entrance with all the implements to serve a good coffee. They still had the Valentine's Day decoration with a huge heart of flowers. I could also appreciate two beautiful stuffed animals in the middle of the wise phrase: “Trust, God Will Provide”, as if to sit in the middle and take a good picture.

As I was looking around I could also see a minibar inside the place, where they offered some snacks or drinks. It is quite a complete place. When the waiter brought me my coffee, he asked me if I could have anything else, since they also offer breakfast and lunch. So you can go in for a coffee and end up having lunch and a drink later on. In my case I'll keep my coffee.

When I got my coffee, I was excited like a little girl, because they served it to me in a beautiful cup, beautifully decorated, even the stirrer was very original, made of copper and the best, the barista drew me beautiful hearts, that cheered up my day, besides the taste was a 10 in flavor, very rich, so the place, is super recommended friends, if you want to enter another era, come to Constanza coffee and enjoy a delicious coffee and excellent service. Greetings my dear friends!


Mis queridos amigos, en esta ocasión, les traigo un nuevo descubrimiento de una hermosa cafetería llamada Constanza. Este café ya lo había visto en una de mis caminatas por la ciudad, pero estaban apenas aperturando en pleno proceso, así que me prometí visitarles cuando ya estuvieran en completo funcionamiento y así lo hice este día, que venía agobiada de unas diligencias médicas, por el calor y cansada de tanto ajetreo; recordé el local, ya que estaba en mi camino hacia mi casa y me detuve a hacer mi acostumbrada pausa cafetera, para renovar energías y continuar luego con mi camino a casa. Desde que te paras enfrente, puedes ver en el bulevar frente al establecimiento unos lindos muebles de época, que te anuncian con lo que te puedes encontrar adentro.

Desde que entras te encuentras con una decoración, muy colorida, llena de luces estratégicamente bien dispuestas, por medio de hermosas lámparas que te brindan un ambiente acogedor e íntimo; con una combinación dando vistas, entre los años 50, con una parte minimalista y a la vez con la época actual, con hermosos muebles bien dispuestos por todo el lugar, con acolchados butacones de diferentes colores. Me entusiasmé ante tanta belleza visual, pues tenía muchos detalles, sobre todo para que los clientes se tomen fotos. Los bellos pisos completaban todo este escenario.

Como casi siempre, pedí mi café con leche. Estaba curiosa por saber cuál sería su presentación, ante tanto detalle, no esperaba menos para mi café. Mientras esperaba, el amable mesonero, un chico vestido como de los años 50, me ofreció muy amablemente un perchero para guindar mi cartera mientras esperaba mi ansiado café. Ese detalle me encantó. Mientras estaba sentada, procuré tomar fotos de todos los espacios; los techos destacaban con sus lindas lámparas y algunos focos que iluminaban estratégicamente algunos espacios. Hasta una bicicleta antigua me conseguí allí.

En el lugar también ofrecen cachitos, croissant de chocolate, de pistacho, galletas de varios tipos, al igual que porciones de tortas de varias presentaciones. Donde se ubicaba el barista, se podía apreciar una brillante máquina de café en toda la entrada con todos los implementos para servir un buen café. Aún conservaban la decoración de San Valentín con un enorme corazón de flores. También pude apreciar dos hermosos peluches en medio de la sabia frase: "Confía, Dios Proveerá", como para sentarse en medio y tomarse una buena foto.

Al ir detallando pude ver un minibar también dentro de los espacios del lugar, donde ofrecían algún aperitivo o bebida. Es un lugar bastante completo. Cuando el mesonero me trajo el café, me preguntó si se me ofrecía algo más, puesto de que también ofrecen desayunos y almuerzos. Entonces puedes entrar por un café y terminar almorzando y tomando más tarde alguna bebida. En mi caso me quedo con mi café.

Cuando me llego mi café, me emocione como una niña, pues me lo sirvieron en una hermosa taza, bellamente decorada, hasta el removedor era muy original, de cobre y lo mejor, el barista me dibujo hermosos corazones, eso animo mucho mi día, aparte de que el sabor era de un 10 en sabor, muy rico, así que el lugar, está super recomendado amigos, si quieres entrar a otra época, ven al café Constanza y disfruta de un rico café y excelente atención. Saludos mis queridos amigos!

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Banner @brujita18
The pictures belong to my personal gallery/ Las fotografías pertenecen a mi galeria personal


I'm intrigued by those old timey looking chairs outside the cafe itself. What an interesting, unique detail. Love it. All in all, it seems like the perfect, quiet place for a little break in a busy schedule :)

It is a perfect place to take a break in the middle of the city. Thank you for your kind comment👻

Hey there!

Thanks for stopping by:)

The image belongs to millycf1976.

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Como conozco Caracas y por las fotos intuyo donde queda pero te sugiero para la próxima des mas señales de humo aromático para llegar derechito porque una parada tan bella no se puede dejar pasar, ¡Gracias por la recomendación!😍☕

😊 ok buena sugerencia amiga. Gracias por tu visita👻

The place has a bohemian atmosphere perfect for a date or a meeting with friends. I really liked the old bike, I would like to have one of those🤭

Thanks for sharing your experience with us.☕

Excellent Wednesday.

So it is a very original place, I loved it. Thank you for your kind comment🌷

The place is very homey, and the cup is very cutesy and it compliments the vibe of the place.

Yes, the mug is beautiful. Of all the places I have gone this one has had a spectacular presentation. Thanks for your visit 😃

Your vivid description of the place makes me want to visit Constanza. It seems the place has a touch of nostalgia, modernity, and elegance, plus it's a one-stop cafe. This is my ideal cafe for remote work. The cup where your coffee was served reminded me of the teacup sets that I used to play pretend with friends, so pretty! I'm pretty sure you left the place with a happy heart, not just because of the perfect 10 coffee but also the service this cafe offers.

Hello, 👋 this cafe has a timeless atmosphere where you feel special for the attention received, excellent! I hope you have the opportunity to visit it. Thank you for your kind comment🌹

It looks beautiful there

Yes, thanks You 💞

Definitely amiga, if I travel to Caracas, you will be the best coffee shop tour guide... this place is very interesting. I love it.

I wish friend I would love to take you to all the coffee shops I have visited. A 🤗