PostsCommentsalfrin in #hive-184784 • 6 hours agoCCC's Street Art Contest honoring the most vulnerable / honrando a los mas vulnerablesENGLISH VERSION In a society, we must always care for the most vulnerable, as this makes us more human and is what truly differentiates us from anialfrin in #hive-179017 • 2 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest at the entrance to the forest of shadows / a la entrada del bosque de sombrasENGLISH VERSION Sometimes man's creations are marvelous, but nothing compares to God's creation, which has an unrepeatable beauty. Furthermore, Hialfrin in #hive-127515 • 4 days agoHiveBR Photo Contest O LIMÃO DO SENHOR / THE LORD'S LEMON TREE / EL LIMONERO DEL SEÑORPORTUGUES VERSION Embora esta árvore não seja muito atraente e não seja a árvore original da história, esta é uma árvore de limão que é plantada no caalfrin in #hive-102880 • 6 days agoQurator's Photo Quest squirrel balancing on the curves of life / ardilla equilibrista en las curvas de la vidaENGLISH VERSION Squirrels are very interesting animals that are usually very agile, and you can see them jumping between tree branches. They have valfrin in #hive-179017 • 7 days agoReflection Hunters Contest good attention reflexes / reflejos de buena atenciónENGLISH VERSION In Venezuela, there is a crisis that, although it had recently eased, has now worsened somewhat, but we still see how Venezuelans arealfrin in #hive-184784 • 8 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest Giant honor to the liberator / Gigante honor al libertadorENGLISH VERSION Venezuela is a land of liberators, and that's why you can find many murals dedicated to this theme in different styles and sizes. ![](alfrin in #hive-179017 • 14 days agoReflection Hunters Contest the reflection of molten science. / el reflejo de la ciencia fundida.ENGLISH VERSION During the processes in science there are many experiments that require many materials and you can use Baker, test tubes, volumetricalfrin in #hive-184784 • 14 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest José Laurencio Silva, an important hero in support of Venezuelan independence who is not so well known / José Laurencio Silva un importante procer de apoyo a la independencia de Venezuela no tan conocidoENGLISH VERSION The period in Venezuelan history where the worth of Venezuelans to emerge victorious from very adverse situations was shown was during the period of independenalfrin in #hive-179017 • 16 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest the shadow of a week of work / la sombra de una semana de trabajoENGLISH VERSION Sometimes we do not think about how important it is to be able to buy after a few days of work those things that we want and desirealfrin in #hive-184784 • 21 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest a gift of art even if it is temporary / un regalo de arte aunque sea temporalENGLISH VERSION Art can be an art that seeks to transcend time, that throughout the centuries expresses a feeling and a way of expressing those dreams and desires that the aalfrin in #hive-179017 • 22 days agoShadow Hunters SMASh Contest smile and a beautiful shadow profile / sonrisa y un bello perfil de la sombraENGLISH VERSION Children are the joy of a home, it is the great and wonderful force that drives us to continue and if we are depressed we see them, oalfrin in #hive-150329 • 25 days agoPOBphotocontest The great guardian of Caracas el Avila / El gran guardián de caracas el Ávila.ENGLISH VERSION Caracas is a green city where you can see in many houses many plants that Caracas people put in their homes. ![](alfrin in #hive-179017 • 25 days agoReflection Hunters Contest reflection of the city in the forest / reflejo de la ciudad en el bosqueENGLISH VERSION Caracas is a so-called green city where the tourist when he arrives can notice that there are many green areas in the city that, ialfrin in #hive-184784 • 27 days agoCCC's Street Art Contest Jose Gregorio Hernandes love in colors of a doctor of God / Jose gregorio hernandes el amor en colores de un medico de diosENGLISH VERSION 5 months ago I showed a mosaic mural depicting this famous Venezuelan, who with his supportive and selfless action in providing hisalfrin in #hive-102880 • 27 days agoQurator's Photo Quest Ducks teaching about life at the Caricuao Zoo / Patos enseñando de la vida en el zoologico de caricuaoENGLISH VERSION Zoos are educational centers where children can be taught that by seeing animals in person they can learn more about them than a simple boring class. ![](httpalfrin in #hive-179017 • 29 days agoShadow Hunters the shadow of the route of innocence / la sombra de la ruta de la inocenciaENGLISH VERSION In this world where chaos and war overwhelm us with more and more worrying news every day, although some news is more encouraging. ![](alfrin in #hive-150329 • last monthPOBphotocontest New Round: CARS Between the discarded past and the bright future / Entre el pasado desechado y el futuro brillanteENGLISH VERSION As time goes by and technology evolves at an even faster pace, old technologies are increasingly relegated to a shorter time. This haalfrin in #hive-102880 • last monthQurator's Photo Quest the reflection of expectation / el reflejo de la expectativaENGLISH VERSION In the heart of the city, going up to Mariperes, there is a center that is close to places where middle-class Venezuelans live and inalfrin in #hive-179017 • last monthReflection Hunters Contest reflections of science / reflejos de la cienciaENGLISH VERSION Sometimes even in science, even more so if there were problems in Venezuela, where some analyzes were not done for a long time, one calfrin in #hive-184784 • last monthCCC's Street Art Contest Simon Dias, icon of culture in Venezuela / simon dias, icono de la cultura en venezuela. ENGLISH VERSION One of the greatest exponents of Venezuelan culture, a singer, author, comedian and actor, Simón Narciso Díaz Márquez, called Simo