Cover made in Canva by me, based on a photo of Pancho with Bear in the patio.
Hello, dear hiver!❤️
We recently adopted a cat, which we called "Valiente", but, as the days went by, we realized that he did not respond to that name, but to "Pancho".
When this little kitten got home he didn't move his hind legs, we don't know what happened to him, he was like that in front of our house. I was afraid that they would hurt him, so now he is part of the family.
Hace poco adoptamos un gato, al que llamamos "Valiente", pero, con el pasar de los días, nos dimos cuenta de que no respondía a ese nombre, sino a "Pancho".
Este pequeño gatito cuando llego a casa no movía sus patas traseras, no sabemos qué le paso, se encontraba así frente de nuestra casa. Yo sentí miedo de que le hicieran daño, así que, ahora, forma parte de la familia.

Pancho finally looked at the camera! This is an achievement, it usually moves a lot, so it is difficult to capture it in photography.
We took him to the vet, and we dewormed him, they also gave him a check-up, prescribed some medications, and gave him therapies at home. Until now my sister has given him therapies daily, so we have noticed improvements.
She now stands on all fours when she wants to, she also playfully attacks the other cats in the house using her hind legs, she eats on all fours. So we are hoping that she will walk soon, because she still doesn't fully support them in walking.
Lo llevamos al veterinario, y desparasitamos, también le hicieron un chequeo, le recetaron algunos medicamentos y le mandaron terapias en casa. Hasta ahora mi hermana le ha hecho terapias a diario, así que hemos notado mejorías.
Ahora se para en 4 patas cuando desea hacerlo, también ataca en forma de juego a los otros gatos en casa usando sus patas traseras, come en cuatro patas. De forma que tenemos la esperanza de que camine pronto, porque aún no las apoya totalmente al caminar.

Pancho loves to play with tree leaves, small stones, and even with coiled metal wire, I don't know why, but this coil is his adoration.
So by dragging them a little we have been very careful, they have been in a little box at certain times of the day, this way we prevent them from dragging and breaking their legs. But, he is now a little bigger, and thanks to my sister's therapies he can support one of his hind legs more, which minimizes the risk of breaking his skin from crawling.
As we have seen many advances in his development, we decided to definitely take him out of the box, so he can interact with our other cats. The little ones still don't fully accept him, they see him as a stranger. He trusted that there will be interaction between them, they will all play and sleep together.
Así que al arrastrarlas un poco hemos tenido mucho cuidado, ha estado en una cajita en determinadas horas del día, así evitamos que se arrastre y se rompa sus patas. Pero, ya es un poco más grande, y gracias a las terapias de mi hermana puede apoyar más una de sus patas traseras, lo que minimiza el riesgo de romperse su piel por arrastrarse.
Como hemos visto muchos avances en su desarrollo, decidimos sacarlo definitivamente de la caja, para que pueda interactuar con nuestros otros gatos. Los pequeños aún no lo aceptan del todo, lo ven como un extraño. Confió en que habrá interacción entre ellos, jugaran y dormirán todos juntos.

Pancho playing with me, he looks like a bat, but he is very pretty
As you may have noticed, it is a cat that has required a lot of attention and care. Each one of them has been worth it, because Pancho is an affectionate, playful, and very cute cat.
Cats are excellent company, whatever form they come in! They fill the home with joy, they make you laugh with their witticisms, and sigh when they do very cute things.
Como te habrás dado cuenta es un gato que ha requerido mucha atención, y cuidados. Cada uno de ellos ha valido la pena, pues Pancho es un gato cariñoso, juguetón, y muy lindo.
Los gatos son excelente compañía, ¡de la forma que vengan! Ellos llenan el hogar de alegría, te hacen reír con sus ocurrencias, y suspirar cuando hacen cosas muy tiernas.
Adopt a cat! It doesn't matter if it's missing an eye, or if it doesn't fully use its hind legs like Pancho, because it's still a cat that needs love, and in return it will make you very happy.
¡Adopta un gato! No importa si le falta un ojito, o si no usa totalmente sus patas traseras como Pancho, porque igualmente es un gato que necesita amor, y que a cambio te hará muy feliz.
Texto e imágenes de mi autoría. Portada realizada en Canva.

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