Si cada ser humano seria capaz der ver sus necesidades primeros, de dar prioridad a su satisfacción personal,no estaríamos siendo egoístas,estaríamos contribuyendo a tener mejores personas física y mentalmente y nos llevaríamos menos decepciones de la vida,
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traductor deepl
greetings, reviewing some posts I could see the initiative of our dear @nahtyortiz where she invites us to reflect and answer the following question: How do you do to respect your needs? Which are the important ones for you?
automatically got me thinking, because the years go by and the needs and interests as individuals vary, well at least it has happened to me but as I have commented in other posts I have always been at the service of others and their needs.
The family is my pillar therefore always depending on them and my sanctuary, my house, I only dedicated small but very small spaces and time for my personal well-being.
With the passage of time and the blows of life as we like to say, I have been closing the circle in which I was turning for everyone, now I put everything to revolve around me.
We live in a hurry and everything is for tomorrow without realizing that tomorrow is ephemeral, we mistreat our bodies and therefore our mind, almost never achieve that emotional physical balance.
After the COVID_19 and its aftermath I have changed abruptly, and seeing every day that I wake up is a strong impulse to see the needs of the day, yes the needs of the day.
today my needs are at the top of the list of the day to enrich my mind with knowledge and to exercise my brain with games that in the end amuse me and relax me is one of my priorities, at least for me it is the most important.
I try to keep the energies flowing in a positive way and I avoid everything that can exert negativity on me because at my age we are not to please but to please ourselves.
therefore i am more friendly to my tastes, to my small pleasures, to respect my schedules that before were postponed and crazy.
I have my partner and before I didn't understand how it was possible at some moments to have each one's space, time and silence, today I love it and I demand it.
I used to live on the phone to see if I didn't receive calls from the people I was worried about or if they published something that could give me an idea of how they felt.
Today I explain to everyone that I have not isolated myself, but that I enjoy and love myself more, that if they call me I will be there if I don't have something better to do for my benefit.
Many have labeled me as bitter and a little bit selfish, when in fact I feel happier and more pleased with myself.
If every human being would be able to see their needs first, to give priority to their personal satisfaction, we would not be being selfish, we would be contributing to have better people physically and mentally and we would have less disappointments in life,
Because when we live in function of giving priority to others, we feel necessary, indispensable and above all useful, we lose health, time however you realize with the passage of time and with actions that in many cases more than useful we are used.
You will never be able to take care of others if you don't take care of yourself first.
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traductor deepl