A few days ago my brother and I traveled to go to my grandmother's house because we missed her after several months of not meeting, and after meeting my grandmother I spent half a day at my grandmother's house, and when we were about to go home suddenly my brother invited me to visit a beach called JongBlang, yes it is a very famous beach in the city of Bireuen, unfortunately my father agreed to the invitation from my brother.
On the way to the beach, my brother chose the village road, because my grandmother's house had access to the road to get to the sea of our destination, and if you pass through the village road, the distance to get to the sea is also closer than having to pass the highway, and on the village road there are many natural beauties that I can see such as several fish ponds owned by residents on the side of the road.
The village road that looks so beautiful with natural scenery that continues to accompany us on the way to the beach at that time, and not long after we finally arrived at a marine attraction in JongBlang Bireuen, and as soon as we arrived at the attraction I immediately felt very happy because indeed this was a rare event, a rare event because my brother very rarely took me on vacation to the beach Haha.
I didn't have to do much because the one who ordered the food and drinks was my sister Haha, while I only went to the beach to enjoy the beauty of it, the rest was my sister's business. After my brother ordered the food and drinks we immediately walked into the tourist area and looked for a suitable chair for us to sit on.
This beach is very beautiful because we can not only see the beauty of the beach because the decoration and architecture in this tourist attraction also looks so beautiful with the dominant pink paint color.
Some of the chairs or huts in this tourist spot have a dominant color of pink, and pink is my own favorite color so we are not wrong in choosing a tourist spot at that time because indeed with the beauty of this place can bring happiness to us, besides us there are also several other visitors who are seen with their families with friends and some are with couples so that the visitors who come to this place have differences but it is the differences that look complementary.
From where I was sitting I could also see the beauty of the sea in front of my eyes which was not too far away.
I also could not stand to immediately walk to the beach but my brother immediately forbade me because my brother had ordered some food so we had to eat first before going to the beach, continued to wait a few minutes finally the order that my brother ordered was brought and was served in front of us so we immediately ate it and after that we immediately walked to the beach to enjoy the nuances of beauty presented from this beach.
The sea water is very beautiful, blue in color and in the sea there are also some people who are doing their activities by swimming with their friends, there are already some small children who are playing on the beach which makes this beach feel very alive and feels very pleasant, my brother and I also played on the beach but did not swim because my brother and I could not swim haha, so we just played water.
We spent so long on the beach that we didn't realize that the sun had started to set, which meant we had to go back home.
This is my first post in this community, so if I made a lot of mistakes or mistakes in writing or in placing photos that are not correct, I also apologize very much, and I also ask for criticism and suggestions from all of you so that I can correct my mistakes.
Until here first the story from me in this post, more and less I apologize, see you again.