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RE: Waking up for UFC: A monthly ritual that ensures bad Mondays

in #life6 months ago

Wow there are some tactics right there!

I am fairly proud of being able to traverse the slippery slope of alcoholism and not get dragged down into harder alcohol, day drinking and needing it all waking hours.

That being said, I am not proud of my daily habit of consumption and deploy some of the tactics you do. If the occasion arises to have a business or social drink at lunch, or at our office where we have a keg fridge (not recommended if you are trying to cut back btw!) then I am a napper. Lets me chug a big pint of water and reset the day.

My primary tactic is to hold off on the nightly beer til 10pm. I often fizz up some water with lemon in it if I am feeling the urge at 9. A beer or 2 a day seems like purgatory between healthy moderation and still too much to be healthy by study standards.

UFC has almost become a weekly thing for our crew as there are numbered events and fight nights almost every weekend. Looking forward to this one tonight (we download and stream to share) and I am doing my best to ignore social media spoilers today!


ah yes, the avoidance of social media for hours can be a bit tough especially if you are depending on a group of friends to do the same. Thankfully for some reason all UFC events are on regular TV over here for free, even the PPV's. I think they realize that if they were trying to sell the events over here to a mostly impoverished population that nobody would even bother with it. They just sell advertising instead which is annoying because there is a LOT of it and since I do not speak Vietnamese it all just sounds like noise to me.

I know I have said it before but I really need to try that soda water and lemon thing.