Have you ever felt trapped between making two difficult choices.
On one hand is a choice to leave a particular place inother to liberate your mind while on the other hand is a choice to stay, for the sake of the people you love, the people you made several promises to.
Its a tug of war between your state of mind and your loyalty.
I've had to make this type of decision, one time in my life.
It happened one time, while i was still working for someone as a salesperson.
At first i loved my job.i was so excited about the job, that i would wake up very early in the morning, and prepare for work.
I would make sure i get there before my boss.That was one of the rules and i was super excited to follow it.
However, the happiness did not last for long,as the other salesperson, who used to run errands for my boss, left. This left just me as the only salesperson with other people, who were just apprentice.
I had noproblem with being the only salesperson ,i quickly adjusted to the added responsibilities, but then,my boss started assigning me with some task that i wasn’t too comfortable with, some task that i considered fetish.
He would ask me to clean the shop with salt or throw sweets at the front of the shop, or buy some things, i considered fetish.These instructions made me feel uneasy and drained my joy for the job.
I felt like leaving, but i already had friends, important friends, whom i promised to stay till they're settled and set up their own businesses. The job was also a well paying job and hardly, will i find such again but my state of mind was at risk. I wasn't comfortable.
It was a battle, i had to choose between the promise that i made and my peace of mind. My mind began to suffer and i began forgetting little things, things that i shouldn't.
I woke up one morning, and decided that i wasn’t going to continue like that, my mental health should be considered . I need my peace of mind.
I knew my friends would feel disappointed but i hope, they understands some day and forgive me.
Looking back, l realized that i made a wise decision.
I made the right choice by leaving that toxic place, though i didn't find a better paying job but i had my peace of mind back.
That's nothing more important than my mental health,and if am to choose again, i will choose my mental health over and over again.
Thanks for stopping by,
Yours faithfully: