To be sued or Not.

in Hive Learners3 months ago

I can't resist but engage my mind in the state of an active imagination of how African parents would react after being sued by their children.

After the whole process is done, you get home with your mother; she won't say a word to you and just pretends like everything is okay till the moment you need something from her, That's when you'd know how hurt she is. Imagine you are hungry and went to meet her. You will hear things like:

"Go to the court and ask them for food, why are you telling me you are hungry, so you know you'd be hungry before you took me to court? You better start looking for another mummy." Hehe! Even after saying all these in anger, she would still provide you with food "How amazing parents are." Every day that goes by, I take a moment to appreciate the incredible humans we call parents in our lives.

A lot of things will go wrong if children possess the right to sue their parents whenever they feel like it. Parents only discipline their children when they do something wrong, it's a form of correcting the child from repeating such behavior.

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I know if there was a law like that, so many kids would sue their parents whenever they discipline them because often children get upset when they are being disciplined, so that feeling of trying to pay back what your parents did to you is gonna bring a level of excitement to them but then that isn't the case "What's life after that moment?".

I can also remember growing up when my mum would shout at me or even slap me; sometimes, in my head, I've done a lot of things to her that can't be carried out physically. "imagine I can sue her for shouting at me." I know I would grab that opportunity without thinking twice. Children like to engage in things that would bring satisfaction to their feelings. Its no doubt some parents deserve to be sued for how they treat their children.

I've heard stories of how some parents would flog their children in the name of discipline to death. "Yeah, it happens." The recent one I heard happened very close to where I live, I just can't imagine the pain the child might have gone through that process till the last breath. Such parents should be sued for inflicting pain on their children, who knows, they are likely to feel change.

My childhood wouldn't have been memorable if I had taken my parents to court for trying to correct certain behaviors I portrayed. Our childhood is one of the most significant factors that shape our lives, whatever we are today or will become tomorrow is a result of our childhood. Our childhood reflects our personality.

In conclusion, our childhood wouldn't be fun if we had sued our parents for trying to discipline our behaviors, they are playing their role as parents, and no one taught them how to be better parents, whatever method they use in training a child is self-learned.

Thanks for reading 🧡


Suing an African parents is like buying a ticket to disown yourself because the house will be hot after court
As much as I agree that some parents go overboard in disciplining their children.. implementing such a law might make parents-children relationship look formal

Yes, I agree with you; African parents would do the most!

Such a law is likely to even destroy the relationship that exists between parents and children.