Private but not too private!

in Hive Learners8 months ago

In my part of the world, when you become a private person, people tend to tag you as being too secretive, they'd feel like there is something fishy going on in your life, so, at every moment, they find whatever you engage in suspicious.

With how the world is today, information is a powerful tool that can be used against you at any time, that's the major reason people don't like sharing their private lives with others cause they have this feeling that it will be used to hurt them later but then our private information can used to help us as well, (it's a two-way thingy) in a situation where a person who has kept his or her life private that needs help, how do you help such a person when you don't know anything about the person?

I've seen people who keep everything about their lives private and are dying in silence. One of my uncles was a secretive person (we thought he was into something, but I don't know if you grabbed it yet) he shared nothing with his other siblings, not even the slightest information, to the point that he was sick at home and needed help yet he ordered his wife and children not to share his health issues with people not even his siblings.

One day he collapsed at home and was rushed to the hospital, it was at that moment his wife called his siblings and some had to leave whatever they were doing and run to the hospital when they got there, they found out he had been suffering from gallstone for a very long time, people say "ignorance is bliss but then in certain situations, it's bound to kill".
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My uncle thought he was experiencing a normal stomach ache but he didn't know it was something more serious than he thought. His elder brother told the doctor to remove the gallbladder, so the surgery was carried out successfully and he came out strong, he never felt that pain again.

Imagine if he had told someone earlier and had gotten it removed, he wouldn't have suffered the way he did. So after he was discharged from the hospital, they held a family meeting and asked him why he hadn't been reaching out to them even when they called him, he would tell them everything was fine, he couldn't explain himself, but in all, I'm glad he is okay now.

I know how much our private lives matter to us, I know it feels alright not to tell others what we are doing or about to do, I know the world is full of ups and downs which in quote means " wickedness" which is inevitable but can be evitable if we keep things to ourselves. Keeping things to ourselves allows us to establish and maintain certain boundaries, I know it gives us control over who knows what about our personal lives.

Keeping our personal lives private is a good thing to do, no doubt but then there are some aspects of our lives we need to share with people. I, as a person share certain aspects of my life with certain people like my siblings, I don't hide some essential things from them, I tell them whatever I'm going through cause they are the only people who can keep my privacy safe, the good thing is they don't intrude in my space whenever they like, just like I won't intrude in theirs but whenever I notice something different in them, I intend to know whatever is going on in their lives, cause it won't be wise that my sibling is going through something and I would be last person to know about it.

Thanks for reading🌹