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RE: Coffee Enema as a Detoxifier.

in Healthy Bees6 days ago

Simple detoxification can go a long way in healing individuals of their various ailments but there is no evidence that enemas detoxify the body. The enemas can only stimulate bowel movement and alleviate illnesses that are linked to the lower digestive system in one way or another. This is because, the enema cannot bypass the one-way pyloric sphincter between the stomach and the small intestine; and if it does, this becomes a serious medical condition. This means, if the coffee enema affects the liver through the anus, it isn't normal.

Be that as it may, individuals who have used coffee enemas may attest that it indeed has an amazing detoxifying effects on the organs of the lower digestive tract but, it hasn't been scientifically proven and still remains a mystery to many. Myself included:)