I know I have already experienced this. When I was out looking for a job, the only thing I could get was stocking groceries because they needed people who would show up. I tried getting jobs in tech, crypto, etc, and nothing. Even with a nearly 10 year career with Apple. Didn’t matter. All I could get was physical labor in some fashion.
This is why I am so laser focused on building this farm, and getting tech to help me like 3D printing. Kind of the best of both worlds. Farming isn’t going away and we need more small farms now than ever before. So I feel like I am on a good path.
People overlook these kind of jobs. My daughter’s BF is in school to be a mechanic. Same kind of thing. Grease monkeys aren’t going away any time soon either.
After seeing how society has gone to all these lazy ass white collar jobs that make you sit around and get fat, it will be good for people to get out and do some real work for a change!