How we got here after the spark.

in #theory9 months ago

After the spark.

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I get lost in the creation story.

Who was this story told to? More so how did story come to be told by the creator. For this story to be told to a mere mortal, a lot of time must have been put aside for people back then.

Then God made man. To name and care for the land and animals. Was the snake the beginning of the fall from grace for the angels? Or did they already fall and this was Lucifer being petty trying to get revenge.

Anyway, They were tempted to eat from the tree of knowledge? Somehow an apple tree. The apple is supposed to have stuck in Adam's neck. The Adam's apple. It makes more sense to me. That Adam and Eve could talk. Maybe not a written language with a vast vocabulary of words like the English language or other modern languages. Probably a bit more than grunt too.

The temptation from the fallen angel. I think would be, he thought them to write. When God returned to find Adam hiding in the bushes. Adam was hiding his writings. The stories he was imagining and writing down. A dairy of his life and events. Not because he was naked. On finding the writings. God then sent Adam from the land Eden. Casting him out in to the wilderness were the technologies of writing were not yet around. That's why you find all those early wall paintings hidden in caves. They were schools.

Lands divided and all that done. The coveting of another species. A few other stories too. Some lands merged others splintered. Some got conquered and others surrendered. In every change, one or a small few made the choice for everyone.

The conspiring, backstabbing rampant the only way to survive. When one nation conquered another. The royalty of the nation would not perish. These would become servant rulers to the conqueror. Many a time they would overthrow their new leader at a later time.

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Throughout history. the same families have held on to power. One means or another, they did fight amongst each other. At times wipe out bloodlines. Forge and betray alliances to suit the needs of a day. Some moved to the background. permitted others to rule in their place. So long as they ruled the way requested.

Through history the lineage of the Royal Family of England can be traced back to Cleopatra. The presidents of the United States. With the exception of 6 presidents has been held by 4 family's. Either directly or by marriage. This is also true for many families who control wealth and the direction the world takes.

The truth in history is, many did not want to be king. Many that were from the general population. Reading and knowledge were things kept from those of a said lower class. For thousands of years reading was limited to a reserved few. If the king got things wrong. The rebellion could be life ending. The Lower class feared what they did not know, were not permitted to learn. They were lucky to have a function in life. Tending to a master.

Not much has changed since those days or the days before.

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Amongst all this history. There are too sides. There is always two sides. There is many separations between the two in agreement. One side wants to control what you know and can do when where why and how also who with. The other side wants you to have more freedoms and live within agreed lines of what is right and wrong.

Things were still not perfect. They are still not perfect today.

Who takes a fall when an elected ruler betrays the country. When not even the ruler but just an elected representative. The world we have for at least the last 100 years.

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And all of the times people have tried to change that balance of power. At times to remove the power from the same ruthless system that enables tyranny and corruption. It never worked. Yet people tried over and over.

Is it worth to try again, when so many failed before?

In all the times tried. I think BTC is the last to try. What went wrong there I wonder.

Within crypto there is part of the answer. It is not the full solution. It could very well facilitate the efforts. Keep an accurate record with use of blockchain. Hive is already set up to do that with the minimal of fees of any network when you take in to account exchanging to another token.

As soon as BTC got any value. People forgot about the, "This will ruin the banks and change finance forever". Then it became about making bank. Filling those pockets and let someone else have the dream. The same thought spread over the world of crypto and now, that's all it seems to be.

Making Hive the go to for blockchain currency needs to be built to withstand efforts to close down its financial actions. The ability to fight back about the genuine use of Hive as a currency and a legitimate value held.

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