Donald's Day 🎉

in Family & Friends2 months ago

Hello hiver's ☺ happy Sunday to you all the way from Edo state Nigeria, this is my first time posting in this community and am happy to be here.

Today being the 26th day of January 2025 is indeed a special day because we took our co-workers newborn son to church for his dedication

I started off by locating the church, which am not familiar with because am still somehow new to the place.

I really felt God's presence today when I got there, it was an amazing experience


I got there halfway through the message when the pastor of the church has started preaching, one thing I got today from the word is that no one is above mistake and no one is without fault, the ability for you to acknowledge the fact that you have made a mistake or sinned and ask God to forgive you and give you more grace to work in line with his will, that is one of the things that makes you a true believer and child of God.

The time of the dedication came, we where asked to dance all the way through to the alter, it was indeed marvelous. Gifts or foodstuff are usually carried by the family of the baby to the church as a sign of appreciation to God, saying you are grateful


After all the dancing we went back to our seat, the pastor carried the child, read out loud the name choosen by his parent's Donald ☺ what a lovely name, emphasis was made on his name and woww what a coincidence he is even named after the present president of the united state of America.


The pastor prayed for him, including his parent's and big brother's and sister, the congregation all joined in the prayers and echoed Amen along with the powerful declaration made by the man of God.


We danced again, heard testimonies from both parent on how the baby delivery started, on how she almost gave birth at home unprepared but was able to get to the hospital with the help of a neighbor that has a car, they were so grateful and thankful to God, the pastor and his wife, friends and church members not excluding their family members of course


We took closing prayers and benediction and later on took pictures from various angles with friends and members of the church and the excitement continues.

Am really grateful to God for her life because being her colleague at work,I witness some few discomfort and complains during her pregnancy,it is really a blessings and we are not taking it for granted.


Seeing that Donald's dedication is today, in most of our Nigeran culture it only means that we will be expecting to see her very soon at work, dedication is actually an indication that you are ready to take the child out of the house and about and we are so excited for that as well ☺

All photos are mine

Thank you so much for stopping by and celebrating with us🎉