Well Hello There Fellow Technicians And Hivers!
A Rare Odity!
Well what is this that I have here today! Some weird blocked up transmission!
Hmmmm You would never guess that it's something most people see on a regular basis, it really is!
A Forklift transmission! Guys I am so excited and fearfull at the same time!
I'm not sure why I'm afraid though, perhaps the diving into the unknown part! But FUCK that's so nice isn't it? Jumping into a pit of darkness and being able to reveal everything as you go!
I suppose the excitement and fear both comes from the same place!
Wait, This Is Simple.
At-least I think so!
Laughs! I suppose that this is some sort of valve-body? A very small and not very interesting one to say the least!
Oh boy, look at how little is actually inside the transmission! It's as simple as it can get! Forward and backwards guys! That's all there is to it!
For some reason I thought this was going to be some complicated thing, glad I don't have to re-fit it back into the forklift! Laughs!
Freakishly Weird!
Guys? What the fuck is my hand doing? Like how the hell am I holding that heavy gear in a lobsided backwards grip?
Okay, nevermind that!
I think more than often the problem me and Bossman experience is that we tend to over think a situation. Always jumping to the worst and hardest possible thing, like with this forklift transmission. We thought it was going to be a confusing little thing, laughs and that makes us struggle!
Because we have to think outside of the box most of the time it's a hard thing to think inside the box.
Really it is!
The Previous Guy!
Oh yeah!
This must have been the previous guy that has worked on it! Laughs! Must be!
Most likely this here is the reason why this transmission failed! The filter, well the filter doesn't filter anymore! Laughs, it has a low pressure free flow system!
We want grinding paste with that oil thanks sir!
Notice, just to the right of my thumb is that grey area? Well that's silicone! Because we'd rather stick it than grab a penny and buy an o-ring!
That's Done And Not Dusted!
There we go.
It was such a fast teardown that it didn't even feel like I did much with that.
In truth I didn't, did I?
Now it's going to be pushed to the side until the insurance comes through and tells us what they want to do!
Sometimes I get the feeling that we work for them! HAH!

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