There we go! Another day with clouds in the sky!
I have to say I'm not that big of a complainer but I might write up a ranting post about this vacation real soon! It wasn't bad at all, in fact it was great but the weather eyyyy not a fan but also a fan!
Anyways! Yesterday was a fairly great day but we didn't really do much. We went to the shops to get some stuff and then we went past some second hand book shop where the owner also paints! He does some amazing work to say the least! I'll share of one his paintings today and depending on how I feel I might write up a post about a couple of his paintings! Although that is a might!
Not For Everyone But Certainly For Me!
A couple of days ago we went to the shopping center's and while strolling through the place there wasn't a great deal to see but there was one place worth entering!
The old bookshop!
Certainly a place I never thought I'd pick above something else! Heck anything else!
But here we are halfway to grown up! Laughs!
He was halfway done with the painting when we visited the first time and now he was done!
Truth be told if they weren't so damn expensive I might have bought it for myself! Heck I would have bought it for myself! No doubt!
The Adventures For The Day?
Well I do know what we will be doing today!
I had something else planned and that was to do a lengthy walk down the St. Blaize trail! But since the weather is unpleasant today I doubt we will enjoy that at all! The weather isn't what is stopping me at all!
Here's why I don't want to do the trail with a cloudy sky. The beautifull deep blue of the ocean doesn't come through as nicely when the sun is shining and since we will be walking on a cliffside I would be wanting to take photos over every rock we stumble!
So since we only have three days left and that is including today, I really hope that the weather clears up tomorrow or the day after that! Because the day after that is going to a day full of the road home for us!
So I really think we need to head down to "First Beach" and see if the September storms have opened up the caves more or if they might have closed them up all together!
Hold your thumbs because I sure as hell hope we have some deep caves to explore!
Dated 07/01/2024

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